Glossary of words posted in Elegance of the Hedgehog

abjection n. ~ the state of being cast off

appanages n. ~ the grant of an estate, title or offices given to a young male soverign

aristocrat n. ~ one considered to be the best of its kind

autodidact n. ~ derived from the Greek; a self-educated person

banlieue n. ~ suburb, or territory without the walls, but within the legal limits, of a town or city.

conation n. ~ an instinct, drive, wish, craving, etc. to act purposefully

conatus n. ~ effort, endeavor,impulse,undertaking, striving

eructation n. ~ belch, breaking wind, burp

exeunt ~ used as a stage direction to indicate that two or more performers leave the stage

haka n. ~ a Maori dance, war, ceremonial, celebratory

incunabulum n. ~ a single sheet of printed material; a book; Latin for swaddling clothes or cradle

kairos n. ~ right or opportune moment

laconicism n. ~ the practice of using few words to say much.

phenomenology n. ~ philosophy or method of inquiry based on the premise that reality consists of objects and events as they are perceived or understood in human consciousness and not of anything independent of human consciousness. primarily concerned with making the structures of consciousness, and the phenomena which appear in acts of consciousness, objects of systematic reflection and analysis.

seppuku n. ~ Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment