For Your Consideration:

"Puzzle Pieces" "

"The brave writers whose work is represented in this volume have acted in good faith, faced their demons, stayed the course, and revised relentlessly. And in taking on the subject of themselves-making themselves vulnerable to the unseen reader-they have exchanged powerlessness for the power that comes with self-awareness."--Wally Lamb

These powerful stories, testaments, hit us on all levels: we can't escape the power of their story, Let's reflect on anything and everything that comes to us as a result of reading them, INCLUDING the art of writing them.

  • 1. Wally Lamb begins his introduction explaining what goes on in editing, quoting different authors on the art of writing, and lists several techniques the authors in this book may have used. Are you familiar with any of these Writing Techniques? Let's keep an eye out for particularly good examples of the writer's craft.

  • 2. If you had to sum up Barbara Lane's essay in one word what would it be?

  • 3. Why is "Puzzle Pieces" a good title for this story, and does the theme hold out for the entire essay?

  • 4. What did you think of the chapter titles, and how did they fit into the puzzle, if at all? Was it tied in together to make a puzzle picture you could understand?

  • 5. What did the use of humor do for the story?

  • 6. In this essay we get an even more clear view of what life in prison is actually like. Wally Lamb has arranged the order of the submissions so that each story takes us deeper and deeper into the revelations of what prison life is really like. Is life in prison what you thought? Did anything surprise you here? Could YOU stand this kind of life?

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