Major Pettigrew's Last Stand: Q&A With Helen Simonson for her Return

Questions from SeniorLearn for Author Helen Simonson's Return about Major Pettigrew's Last Stand

1. Did you intentionally portray some of the characters as annoying - unlikable - unbelievable, even? Ferguson and Roger for example?

2. How common it is for quaint little villages in England to be developed into theme-park makeovers? Were you exaggerating a bit, or has it actually been happening?

3. I wonder if the Major saw himself in his son, and then was able to more objectively look at his own situation. I wonder if the author intended/planned to have the lives of father and son parallel or if it “just happened.” I know authors often talk about characters taking on lives of their own, doing unexpected things, etc. I could see this parallelism being planned or being a pleasant surprise. I wonder which is was.

4. Jasmina is so willing to make things better for people she loves - even when doing so diminishes the quality of her own life. Does she see it that way? Does Sandy represent the opposite - determined to have equal say-so or nothing at all? Does Grace represent the "middle" - wanting to have a life that suits her but bound by tradition to think/act otherwise? Are any of these characters stereotypes of the way women "ought to be"?

5. Your strong female characters, and men without consequence, bring to mind Barbara Pym's characters, who feel that love alone is not always enough reason for marriage. Have you read her novels? Do you feel they have influenced you?

6. The Vicar's reasoning against this mixed marriage upset quite a few. Can you tell us if he was mouthing Church teaching or expressing his own opinions based on what others might think?

7. When you decided on the title of your first novel, what did you have in mind as Major Pettigrew's LAST STAND? Do you agree that when he took a stand for himself and Jasmina, with the military pun intended because of his military background?

8. As an aspiring writer, can you tell me where you found the time to write with being a mother, wife etc.? Did you have a special space you made just for your writing? What time of the day or night did you find the best quality time for writing?

9. How long must we wait for your next book? I am a "forever fan" of yours.

10. Is there a film in the works? A sequel, perhaps? a TV mini-series?