Well, here it is, our very first issue of the Senior Classics Magazine. The miscellany of facts presented here from your articles, snippets, trivia, experiences, photographs, has taken time to collate but I must confess that I have enjoyed the task. I only hope that you will enjoy the end product.

Latin classes on line? Who would ever have thought that they could be so much fun and that they could involve one with people from all walks of life, and from different countries.Together we have learnt, or re-learnt, declensions and conjugations that have their echoes in a far distant past. We have tackled stories, tried to translate Caesar and Vergil, travelled with Aeneas, fought with Menelaus, helped construct the mighty Wooden Horse.

In our spare time (?) we have gathered in the Common and Study Rooms and got to know one another a little better; commiserated when someone has confessed to the old "impedimentum memoriae," (the memory block that makes us forget names); helped one another with the occasional grammatical problem. And all the time it has been fun!

Cicero summed it all up perfectly when he wrote, "Neque est ullum certius amicitiae vinculum, quam consensus et societas consiliorum et voluntatum" (" There is no more sure tie between friends than when they are united in their objects and wishes".)

Amongst our friends we include, of course, the ever-enthusiastic Ginny, whose sheer verve carries us all along; Barbara, with her dedicated attention to detail; Jane, whose HTML lessons are a delight in their clarity; Marcie, and particularly, in my case, Pat, whose skill, patience and good - humour have been inexhaustible where this project is concerned. Thank you all.

Die dulci fruimini , which, of course, as you all know, is (Fun) Latin for "Have a nice day!"And remember, there aren't any Romans around to correct your pronunciation!

Maryemm, editor


ECCE I Contents