
The Life of Brian, a 1979 film starring the Monty Python team

Graphic of Roman Centurian

(Brian is writing graffiti on the palace wall. The Centurion catches him in the act)

Centurion: What's this, then? "Romanes eunt domus"? People called Romanes, they go, the house?

Brian : It says, "Romans go home. "

Centurion : No it doesn't ! What's the Latin for "Roman"? Come on, come on !

Brian : Er, "Romanus"!

Centurion : Goes like?

Brian : Annus.

Centurion : Vocative plural of "Annus" is?

Brian : Er, er, annus, anni, anno, annum, anno, anni... "Romani"!

Centurion : (Writes "Romani" over Brian's graffiti) "Eunt"? What is "eunt"? Conjugate the verb, "to go" !

Brian : Er, "Ire". Er, "eo", "is", "it", "imus", "itis", "eunt".

Centurion : So, "eunt" is... ?

Brian : Third person plural present indicative, "they go". Centurion : But, "Romans, go home" is an order. So you must use... ? (He twists Brian's ear)

Brian : Aaagh ! The imperative !

Centurion : Which is... ?

Brian : Aaaagh ! Er, er, "i" !

Centurion : How many Romans?

Brian : Aaaaagh ! Plural, plural, er, "ite" !

Centurion : "Ite".

Brian : Ah. Eh

Centurion : : "Domus?"

Brian :: Eh.

Centurion : : Nominative?

Brian :: Oh.

Centurion :'Go home'? This is motion towards. Isn't it, boy?

Brian : Dative !

(the Centurion holds a sword to his throat)

Brian : Aaagh ! Not the dative, not the dative ! Er, er, accusative, "ad domum" !

Centurion : But "Domus" takes the locative, which is... ?

Brian : Er, "Domum" !

Centurion : (Writes "Domum") Understand? Now, write it out a hundred times.

Brian : Yes sir. Thank you, sir. Hail Caesar, sir.

"Castigat ridendo mores" - Laughter succeeds where lecturing won't.

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