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Talking Heads ~ Three Day Wonders

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Talking Heads #11
"It occurred to me that nothing is more interesting than opinion when opinion is interesting..."
Herbert Bayard Swope, creator of the Op-Ed page.

A   forum for opinions on anything in print: magazines, newspaper articles, online:
 bring your ideas and let's discuss.
Our  Eleventh Topic: 
3 DAY WONDERS - topics and articles provided every three days by YOU, our readers.

  First topic:  Today's Commercials - Which attract you? Which do not?


    "Good Commercial  Bad Commercial"

Geico caveman  
Contact:  Babi - (Head Honcho) 

Hi, folks.  Our first three-day discussion, suggested by ELLA,  is about
commercials.  What is  your favorite; which one do you really dislike?
What do you think make a good commercial, or a bad one?

  My favorite is the Irish dancers in the Folger's commercial.  Those
magical dancing feet, with the early morning light through the window
making it appear as though the dancers are in soft, golden mist. Now
that is a commercial worth pausing to watch.
  I'll get into my least favorite in my next post.

Ella Gibbons:
I hate that Geico caveman, so ugly, he truly turns me off.  But the Geico, with the little green worm (lizard) is cute and I like the humor in it.  I remember humor.  Interesting article, BABI, in the heading - I'll quote just a line from it:

"According to a surprising study to be published in the Journal of Consumer Research, commercial interruptions often enhance enjoyment of television, at least for younger viewers. How could that possibly be true? "

Repetitive commercials get rather boring, such as the Progresso young woman, although she does change customers now and then.

Babies!!!  No, No, No.  Obscene to use children in this way.  I'll be interested in what others have to ay.

Ella Gibbons:
BABI, I have never seen the Folgers commercial.  I wonder if it is on the web?


--- Quote ---I'll get into my least favorite in my next post.
--- End quote ---

Any commercial that shows people brushing their teeth or eating with an open mouth.  Yuck.

And The Great American Pizza Company -- I will never visit them.  The message they send is that you can't have fun at a picnic in the park with Mom and Dad; you have to spend megabucks at the Great .   .  .

And lastly,  The Scooter Store.  It gives senior citizens a bad name.  (Whiny voice), "And it didn't cost me one red cent. Medicare paid it all."

I don't mean to be offensive.  I'm all for Medicare paying for durable equipment, but I think there is another to present this product.


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