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Yep trying to get a few more posts so we can start off tomorrow with a new heading at the top of the page - March 1 with Thomas Hardy on I hope post 120

Let's do a bit of John Updike's wry humor

Ocular Hypertension

"Your optic nerve is small and slightly cupped,"
my drawling ophthalmologist observed,
having for minutes submitted that nerve,
or, rather, both those nerves, to baths of light--
to flashing, wheeling scrutiny in which
my retinas' red veins would, mirrored, loom
and fade.   "And it appears, as yet,  undamaged.
But your pressure reads too high. Glaucoma
will be the eventual result if you
go untreated. What you have now we call
'ocular hypertension.'" Wow! I liked
the swanky sound, the hint of jazz, the rainbow
edginess: malaise of high-class orbs,
screwed to taut bliss by what raw sight absorbs.

Another John Updike

Spring Song

the fiddlehead ferns down by our pond
stand like the stems of violins
the worms are playing beneath the moss.

Last autumn's leaves are pierced by shoots
that turn from sickly-pale to green.
All growth's a slave, and rot is boss.

Sunday Rain

The window screen
is trying to do
its crossword puzzle
but appears to know
only vertical words.

Winter Ocean

Many-maned scud-thumper, tub
of male whales,  maker of worn wood, shrub-
ruster, sky-mocker, rave!
portly pusher of waves, wind-slave.


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