OH yes, the Yin Yang is a way to describe the phenomenon described in the story and yes, I think all obsessives have in their hands ways to control their lives and live in the moment with the pain they are often running from - if we limit seeing obsessive personalities as uncontrollable incurables than our homes and streets would be filled with addicts of alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, over-weight and under-weight food addicts, hoarding, crime, debt, work. enablers, co-dependents, -
I understand there are various kinds of addiction - "A compulsion is a repetitive action-sequence which the person cannot control by "willpower." - "They all serve to temporarily distract (self-medicate) the person from relentless inner pain - i.e. shame + guilts + anxieties (fears) + hurts + confusion + anger + frustration + sadness + hopelessness (despair)."
Rather than using the word compulsive I should have been clearer using the word addictive or obsessives - however, my 12-step groups use the word compulsive and for a long time, and still do from time to time attend an Al-Anon or ACOA meeting. The kind of obsessive or compulsive addiction I see in the story is not the kind that is expressed with excessive hand-washing, nail-biting, hair combing, scratching, or fantasizing which is almost like a tick not helped by a 12-step meeting.
I am still trying to wrap my head around using the Tao as the way in order to understand the story - My younger sister and I have read and studied Taoism for over 30 years - we share with each other our extensive library of Taoist books and CDs - my sister turned to Buddhism where as with Taoism I found it to be more like the contemplative mind taught by the Carmelites. As I understand Taoism there is no good and bad as we define it - good and bad are considered cultural phenomenons.
I checked a translation of Tao Te Ching - a few quotes that could be useful.
Darkness within darkness.
The gateway to all understanding.
All life springs
From yin and yang
As they blend forever
Into patterns of harmony.
Today we are weak,
Tomorrow strong.
Therefore, Mastering
Avoids excess,
Avoids Extremes,...
In destroying others,
We destroy ourselves.
Do you want to improve the world?
I don't think it can be done.
The world is sacred.
It can't be improved.
If you tamper with it, you'll ruin it.
If you treat it like an object, you'll lose it.
What is a good man but a bad man's teacher?
What is a bad man but a good man's job?
If you don't understand this, you will get lost,
however intelligent you are.
It is the great secret.
From The Tao of Inner Peace by Diane Dreher, who explains the quotes from the Tao Te Ching; "The Tao tells us to to transcend dualism, All creation is comprised of complementary opposites: yin and yang. In the Western world, we habitually fall into the logical fallacy of the false dilemma, seeing all life as either-or: win or lose, right or wrong, all of nothing, us or them. Dualism limits our options and makes us see differences as threatening...the cause of violence, which lies deep within us: in our mounting anxiety and frustration because we don't know how to resolve conflict."
What difference is there
Between agreement and disagreement?
Between correct and incorrect?
Accepting another's opinion
Obscures the dawn
Of your own awakening.