Literary Games > Literary Games

Author! Author!

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Welcome to Author! Author! 

This is a game in which the contestants match their wits with a  challenger, who suggests a character in literature, non- fiction or fiction. The challenger may or may not provide more clues, his prerogative,, and never more than one a day.

Once a day the challenger will say if the queses are correct or not. The winning contestant gets lots of acclaim and the chance to pose the next challenge. If he does not want to post a new challenge he can say so and whoever does can begin a new game.

Of course you could look these up on google in an instant, what challenge is that? The  idea is to rack one's brain to try to remember where this particular character appeared and who wrote about him/ her. Should be great fun.

The challenger also has the option not to mention the name of the character, but only a description.

First up: this character spent time on a mountain which he did not enjoy....

(may as well make it challenging). Who is he and who wrote about him?

Let's work out the kinks together!

Welcome! This is exciting, a new literary game for us, and hopefully a good one. Help us develop it?

The premise is in the heading. The challenger either names a character in a book or describes him or her (or it) and we all try to guess who the author is.

If the challenger wants to give more clues he can only give one a day and when he gives that one he'll say if somebody has got it right. :)

The first one today is an example of the second kind of challenge, instead of putting in the character's name, we're putting a description instead.

See if you can get it from these clues!

The winning contestant then has the choice of posing the next challenge or passing to whoever would like to try, should be a lot of fun.

NO looking on google!! Anybody can do that, let's make the old brain cells spin! hahaha

First up:

First up: this character spent time on a mountain which he did not enjoy....

Who wrote about him?


Ginny, good idea for a game.

Would that be Sisyphus

I like your answer Pedln. I kind of feel like Sisyphus on more than a few occasions. ;D

So now, a new game to test our brain cells  ...I'll have to go and find mine.  :D

Sisyphus didn't get to actually spend time ON the mountain did he?

Hans Castorp did in the Magic Mountain and I can't say that I thought he enjoyed the experience. Author was Thomas Mann.


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