Remember that book that came out many many years ago -- A Nation of Sheep. I think it was about how we follow and are captivated by advertising. My first reaction to Twitter is -- we are a nation of sheep as we follow a the pied piper to twitterdom.
And of course, those of us who right now are thinking that this is kind of stupid and sad, well -- we'll probably miss out on something if we don't twitter. So no doubt we'll get in line too.
Must admit, I don't do too well with audio presentions, but my understanding is that one can twitter with just about any kind of communication device -- phone?, computer?, ipod? But I'm hazy on logistics -- does everyone have their own twitter page and invite people to stop by and tell what they're doing?
Now, at some point each day, or each hour, we stop doing what we've said we're doing -- put down that book -- and go twitter.
We have email, we have cell phones glued to our bodies, we have blogs where we can pour out our most private thoughts, we have Facebook and MySpace with 117,000 friends and Instand Messenger. What does Twitter do that these other media don't?