Bleak House Unsolved Mysteries

Is Allegory, the Roman soldier pointing down into Tulkinghorn's study, teaching a lesson? What is it? Is Bleak House an allegory?

Who is Esther's father?

What wrong did Esther's mother do to Esther's godmother?

Who is Esther's mother?

Was it Mr. Jarndyce who was in the coach with Esther when she was on her way to the Dollys? Why was he there?

What is Mr. Jarndyce's connection to all of these characters?

How are Ada, Richard and Esther related other than involved with Jarndyce and Jarndyce?

Why does Mr. Jarndyce give the household keys to Esther within the first day of meeting her? - Did he not have a housekeeper or is this elevating Esther to be the mistress of his house, and if so why?

John Jarndyce seems to be an exceptionally fine man, kind and generous. To a fault,perhaps?

What do the Dedlocks have to do with the Jarndyce case?

What was in the document that Mr. Tulkinghorn was reading, while Sir Leicester was dozing, that made Lady Dedlock faint?

How does the Dedlock ghost story fit in?

How does the law office dealing with Jarndyce know Mrs. Jellyby and why do they choose her home as a place for Ada, Richard and Esther to spend the night?

What is Dickens saying about the motives of philanthropists - are they just too good to be true?

Is Dickens commenting on the role of the father as well as the mother with the Jellyby and Pardiggle family?

Where are the Skimpole children? Will we meet them?

If Krook cannot read, then why does he hoard documents especially legal documents?

Why is Krook called the Lord Chancellor? Why is he copying documents?

Who is the lady who addressed Esther, Ada, and Richard when they were waiting outside, claiming she would "confer estates on both"?

Is it just a coincidence that Guppy, a clerk at Kenge and Carboy, visits the Dedlock's country home? He feels he recognizes Lady Dedlock's portrait. What is the significance of this?

Who is Nemo? Is he Important? How? If not important, why is he here, even briefly?

What service has Hortense rendered Mr Tulkinghorn, for which he thanks her? And what is 'this little wager' the two of them have going? Does he now owe her a favour?

Bleak House Discussion