For Your Consideration April 17-21 ~ Summer Rain ~ pgs.173-238

1. Why does Mr Ozu treat Madame Michel with more consideration and interest than other tenants in the building? Why does his interest make her feel naked? If she didn't want to dine with him, why do you think she accepted?

2. Why do you think Tolstoy has left such an impression on Renée? Is it the romance? Do they have a similar world view? Is this what interests the new tenant?

3. "If you have but one friend, make sure you choose her well." Were you surprised about the way Manuela took over the preparations for the "date"? Would Renée have managed this without her?

4. Do you find that Paloma's reaction to the school choir reveals a different side to her character that wasn’t apparent before? What is it about the choir that overcomes her? How is this a worthy entry for her Movement notebook?

5. Following her makeover, why does Renée worry that she looks like "a real lady"? Why does she consider it "blasphemous" to enter his apartment? How does M. Ozu react to her new look? To her obvious uneasiness?

6. What more do we learn of Paloma's schoolmates in this chapter? Were you surprised to learn that she has a best friend? Do you see any similarities between the two narrators' close friends, Marguerite and Manuela?

7. What is in Mr Ozu’s personality that makes him the first person to break through Renée’s hard shell? What effect does he have on Paloma? Do you detect a glimmer of hope for her future?

8. What is the purpose of Art, as described here? Can you compare the effect of her school choir on Paloma and Renée's response to Pieter Claesz's still life?

9. What shared tastes were revealed during the rather humorous, embarrassing bathroom episode? Do you detect a blossoming friendship - or romance, even? Has a "summer rain" revived our concierge?

10. Did you find Paloma's entry in Profound Thought #13 rather surprising, considering the disturbing revelation during the meeting with her mother's psychoanalyst?