Iliad: Books III & IV

Book III:

  • 1. Why didn’t the Trojans just give Helen back? (CW)

  • 2. What image are you getting of the Trojans in Book III? (Francoise) Who speaks for them? (Tom)

  • 3. Why didn’t they think of the duel 9 years ago? (Shasta)

  • 4. Paris "invited their best to fight him to the death." …So WHY did he turn pale and blanch at the sight of Menelaus? We know that Menelaus is not their best? Ajax is their best after Achilles. What did Paris expect?

  • 5. Let’s examine the characters of Helen and Paris. How does Homer reveal the characters of Helen and Paris?
  • A. What do you think of Helen in this section? What seems to be her relationship to Priam? Does she seem to bear responsibility for her own part in this? What is the one thing that Aphrodite says to Helen that changes Helen’s mind about going back to Paris? What does it show about her?

  • B. What do you think of the character of Paris? What is Homer saying here about the most beautiful man and woman? Do they deserve each other?

  • 6. How to pronounce Eumelus? In Lombardo’s line the emphasis sounds good on the first syllable. In Chapman an emphasis on the second sounds right. It makes such a difference in one’s enjoyment of the lines if these strange names can be made to roll off one’s tongue. (Jonathan)

  • 7. My audio tapes use a short where Fagles uses a long i. Which is correct? Or are they both correct? (Shasta)

  • 8. The scene with the old men sitting on the walls of Troy is quite impressive. Why does Priam not recognize them after 9 years? He’s even entertained Odysseus, why does he ask Helen to tell them who the soldiers are?

    What purpose does this scene have?

  • 9. When Menelaus’ spear does not kill and his sword breaks in two, he attributes that to the gods, so why does he try to physically drag Paris back to the camp?

  • 10 Which characters are better developed in Book III, the Trojans or the Greeks?

  • 11. Who does Homer seem to suggest is really responsible for the war?

  • 12. How would you characterize what kind of persons Paris and Helen are?

  • 13. Two questions from Book II:
  • A. Aside from his shoes and sword, what did Agamemnon carry with him when he got up from his bed? Why to you think he took it off (Lombardo 40ff )

  • B. Why does the poet invoke the Muses before he recites the list of soldiers? (521 L) (Daniel B Levine, U of Ark)

  • 14. Why does Hector mention Achaean laughter to Paris (45ffL) (DLevine)

  • 15. What physical description of Odysseus does the teichoscopia (view from the wall) show? How does his speech belie his form (Levine) (L: 205ff)

  • 16. As the armies advanced Paris came forward donned in the skin of a panther, brandishing two spears shod with bronze. Why a panther hide? Why was this animal chosen by Alexandros for the challenge of the bravest Achaean? (Andrea)

  • 17. In Book III, which side are you personally drawn to now that we know something of the backgrounds of both sides?

  • 18. Have you noticed how many times body size is mentioned in connection with leadership? Ajax, Agamemnon, Achilles? Maybe they become leaders becaue they are bigger physically? (Dr. Stone) Why do the Trojans remark on the size of the Greeks? How big are the Trojans?

  • 19. Does Homer mean for us to see these gods as literally interfering in people’s lives, or are they meant to be metaphors, i.e. Achilles’s mind or conscience told him it would really screw up things if he killed the nominal leader, or Paris is really a coward so his explanation for running away is that Aphrodite interceded? (Shasta)

    Book IV:

  • 20. The first blood drawn is in Book IV. How can we explain Agamemnon’s reaction to it? -- Jonathan
    What happens to Agamemnon in this scene, does he hurt or help himself as a leader here?

  • 21. How does Book IV tie in with the rage of Achilles? (USAK)

  • 22. "Agamemnon begins a minor aristeia in line 257 (L). What do you think an aristeia is? Every major hero will have one, though Agamemnon’s comes later. Look for a pattern of action after a couple of instances; because the traditional nature of Homeric poetry tends to use such patterns, these moments are called typical scenes." (Temple)
    Can you point out what they are talking about here?

  • 23. To what is Menelaus’ blood compared as it stains his body? (152ff) How does this match the scene of battle? (UARK)

  • 24. Alea iacta est! The die is cast, which side do YOU choose today? The Trojans, the Gods or the Greeks?!

  • 25. Can you explain the action in Book IV without having to refer to the gods? (Dr. Stone)
    What are three ways to consider the involvement of the gods?

  • 26. How does the simile following Ajax’s killing of Simoeisius about the wainwright illustrate the decline of Reason into Force? (Dr. Stone)

  • 27. How does the simile about the torrents of water (L:288 ff) illustrate Homer’s objectivity in reporting this conflict?