Book XI: Day 3: War!

  • 1. Zeus gets involved!

    How do you account for the numbers of heroes removed in Book XI? What is Homer doing here?

  • 2. Why does Homer say that Patroclus’s taking a message to Nestor is the beginning of his “evil?”

    What was Nestor’s reply and why does he not immediately deliver it? What is your impression of Patroclus so far? (USAK)

  • 3.
    Still you should speak to Achilles.
    It is not too late and he just might listen.
    Who knows but that with the help of some god
    You might rouse his spirit? You are his friend,
  • Pat has mentioned these lines: This speech put great notions in Patroclus’ head...

  • What do the other translations show for “great notions?” (849)...
  • Is Patroclus’ response heroism or a bit of glory for himself or friendship? Which do you think is uppermost in his mind? Can you put yourselves in his shoes? What would have been YOUR response to this idea?

  • What effect do you suppose this idea will have on the fuming Achilles?

  • 4. As Jonathan has mentioned Agamemnon has his aristeia in Book XI. (see terms above). Do you see a pattern in it compared to that of Diomedes in Book V? What do you make of Agamemnon’s wounded pain being compared to a woman in labor?? (Temple)

  • 5. Why is the wounding of Machaon important? Watch around the beginning of lines 705 (Temple).

  • 6.. What do you think Nestor is thinking of with his idea?? Is he thinking that Achilles will change his mind when he sees his best friend suiting up in HIS armor? What makes Nestor think that Achilles will even GIVE his armor? What makes Patroclus think “clothes make the man?” Which man is the most to blame here, Nestor or Patroclus?

  • 7.Achilles seems to expect the Greeks to come to him hat in hand, “If I have it right, the Greeks will soon be groveling before me. They’ve reached their limit.” (l. 648ff) but...what is your feeling that he really expects? And what outcome does he seem to await? Is it for Patroclus to wear HIS armor? What is likely to be his reaction??