Book XVII: ..."he might still save the body"

  • 1. Why does each side want the body of Patroclus? What is unusual about Glaucus' reasoning and why does Hector have to offer ˝ the spoils of war to whoever gets the body back to their lines?

  • 2. What's going on with the fog and mist? “Zeus poured over their dark gold helmets
    A profound mist..” (271) and “a combat in darkness with merciless bronze.” (385). “Athena wrapped herself in an iridescent mist.” (562). "They're all lost in the dark mist, their horses, too.? (659)
    What a strange description, what is the effect all this fog and mist has on the reader, what does it convey? Why is it suddenly dark and foggy in the middle of the day? Does this symbolize something? Whose advantage is this dark?

  • 3. “Any fool can see that Father Zeus himself
    Is helping the Trojans…Let's try to come up with the best plan we can.” (649).
    Do you think this courageous of Ajax or foolhardy? What are his choices?

  • 4. “ You violated the order of things,” (line 203).
    This armor of Achilles seems to have a spirit of its own. Why would it violate anything if Hector took it and why would Hector put it ON??? Is this a good choice for Hector? What's the result of his decision?

  • 5. “Right, Menelaus. You and Meriones
    Get the body up on your shoulders
    And carry it out…” (730ff).
    What took them so long to decide this? They've been pulling over it like animals for some time, in the dark and the mist, quite surreal, why now do they finally decide to pick the body up?

    Book XVIII: “I loved him, and I killed him.”

  • 1. “Patroclus, Menoetius' brave son, is dead.
    Damn him! I told him only to repel
    The enemy fire from our ships,
    And not to take on Hector in a fight.” 13) IS that what Achilles originally said and how does he know here what happened to Patroclus?

  • 2. “I loved him
    And I killed him”
    Achilles takes full blame for Patroclus' death and mourns him:
    “Then let me die now. I was no help
    To him when he was killed out there. He died
    Far from home, and he needed me to protect him….”

    What are some of the changes that Patroculs' death has brought about in Achilles? Are they all positive?

  • 3. “I wish all strife could stop, among gods
    And among men, and anger too-it sends
    Sensible men into fits of temper…” (112ff) Does this seem in character for Achilles or could it be Homer's philosophy? Does it seem logical at this part of the book?

  • 4. “And conquer our pride….But I'm going now to find the man who destroyed
    My beloved-Hector.” (120) Is this the only reason Achilles is going to enter the battlefield?

  • 5. “Speaking bronze…” (237). When Achilles yells, his voice is amplified like shock waves, what do you think speaking bronze means?

  • 6. “Lady Hera sent the tireless reluctant sun.
    Under the horizon into Ocean's streams.” (255).
    What happens when night finally falls? What is ironic about the two assemblies held, one on the side of the Trojans and one on the side of the Greeks? Why is Polydamus's advice ignored by all the Trojans?

  • 7. "Attendants made of gold who looked like real girls…" (450) Are these robots? What is Homer describing here??!!??

  • 8. Why does Hephaestus agree to help Thetis? Why is Thetis' story introduced at this point in the book?

  • 9. “He threw a triple rim around it, glittering.
    Like lightning…” (518). The descriptions of Hephaestus work are magic, and Homer's description of the shield is an example of ekphrasis, a description of art in poetic terms.
    Can you imagine such a shield? Could you draw a picture of it? How does the shield contrast to the brevity of time in the narrative?
    What stood out for YOU in these two books? Did anything surprise you? A fantastic mansion out of starlight and bronze for your thoughts!

    Book XIX: "...he felt his rage seep deeper into his bones."

  • 1. FINALLY! Achilles is ready to fight. What is your reaction to Book XIX? What did you expect to happen? Why do you think this is in the book?

  • 2. Who is the Dark Avenger? What is the role of Fate and this Dark Avenger in the fortunes of men according to Agamemnon? Does Homer make clear what the hierarchy is of Zeus and Fate?

  • 3. What do you think about the simile starting with 379, on the snow flurries? Does it snow in Greece? Could Homer have seen snow turn into an icy blinding glare?

  • 4. Do you see any change in Achilles since you first met him at the first of the book? Has his character grown? How do you see Achilles on the brink of war, which begins in Chapter 20?
    Why are we so attracted and at the same time repulsed by Achilles? Why is he a fascinating character? Does he seem more human now at the end of Chapter 19 than he did in Book I?

    Book XX: "But the son of Peleus pressed on to glory
    His invincible hands spattered with gore."

  • 1. How does the simile of the lion in lines 170ff pertain to Achilles? In what ways does it tie the entire Iliad together?

  • 2. Having fulfilled his promise to Thetis, why does Zeus unleash all the gods?

  • 3. "I wonder if Patroclus had routed the Trojans and the Greeks hadn't needed him, what would have happened to his great love for Patroclus." (Joan K) What do you think would have happened to the entire story and Achilles if Patroclus had succeeded?

  • 4. How is Achilles' wrath different from that in Books 9-16?