Lombardo questions

Themes and Terms


What are some of the themes you see so far in the book developing?

  • The opposing relationship between force and words. -Dr.Stone

  • Betrayal

  • The role of the gods: man is directed by other forces (the gods). Are the gods themselves directed by Fate or Destiny?

  • A catharsis from the grubbiness of life: one man's catharsis is another's meat and drink. -Jonathan

  • Endurance -Jonathan

  • The relationship between Achilles and Thetis and the unexpected result of his request. Robin Mitchell-Boyask (Temple)

  • Status -- that sense of who we are that we will do anything to protect. It will be interesting to follow this sense through the poem: what it means to each of the characters, what they do to protect it.--Joan K

  • Blindness-- the characters are blind to each other, to the gods, even the gods are blind at times---Francoise

  • Vulnerability-- Lou2

  • Choices: are there any, who makes them, why do they make them, do they make a difference?

  • Terms to watch for:

  • 1. similes : comparisons often using like or as that illuminate the author’s words, and make them clear and vivid, which calls attention to shades of meaning or differences. Ex: Like cranes beating their metallic wings

  • 2. epithets: words or phrases which describe the gods or characters, and denote some specific quality: Ex: ivory armed goddess, Owl-eyed Athena.

  • 3. aristeia: An aristeia ( aristeia--aristos = best) occurs when
    ...a hero in battle has his finest moments. The elements of the scene and the order in which they appear are:

    --arming scene
    --brilliance of armor/hero
    --exhortation to followers
    --initial exploit
    -- (wounding)
    --divine inspiration
    -- renewed exploits
    --double simile
    --the kill
    --taunting the victim.