Books Wanted by these Authors

Books must be in fine condition. The condition of the book is of great importance, please check with us if you have any question about the condition of your books.

Please email for the mailing address. Please ship Media Rate. Postage may be refunded for qualified books (please check with us in advance) or you can donate it with our thanks; that will be considered a cash donation. Please take the time to include a list (with title of book and author) with each shipment.

Please see Book Donation Guidelines of what is NOT accepted by the S.C. Prison System.

Prison Library Project


  • Angelou, Maya
  • Berg, Elizabeth
  • Blanchard, Alice
  • Boylan, Jenny
  • Brockman, John
  • Brown, Sandra
  • Bryers, Richard Lee
  • Buck, Pearl
  • Byatt, A.S.
  • Cather, Willa
  • Compton, Ralph
  • Cussler, Clive
  • Dylan, Bob
  • Escher, M.C.
  • Evanovich, Janet
  • Gilden, Mel
  • Greenwood, Ed
  • Hamilton, Laurell K.
  • Heinlein, Robert
  • Johnson, Steven
  • Johnstone, William
  • Kemp, Paul
  • Kingsolver, Barbara
  • Kinsella, Sophie
  • LaHaye, Tim
  • L'Amour, Louis
  • Martin, George R.
  • McCaffrey, Anne
  • McMurtry, Larry
  • Niles, Douglas
  • Niven, Larry
  • Officer, Charles
  • Pier, Ouelette
  • Saionji, Masami
  • Salvatore, R.A.
  • Sheldon, Sidney
  • Smedman, Lisa
  • Tanenbaum, Robert K.
  • Whitney-Robinson, Veronica
  • Yeomens, Matthew
  • Zelazney, Roger
  • Anderson, Joan
  • Baker, Kevin
  • Baldacci, David
  • Behrendt, Greg
  • Bissinger, H
  • Blanchard, Alice
  • Brockman, John
  • Bryers, Richard Lee
  • Chevaler, Tracey
  • Clancy, Tom
  • Clark, Carol Higgins
  • Clark, Mary Higgins
  • Collins, Jackie
  • Conroy, Pat
  • Cornwell, Patricia
  • Coulter, Catherine
  • DeMille, Nelson
  • Dubus III, Andre
  • Enger, Leif
  • Erdrich, Louise
  • Erigenedes, Jeffrey
  • Evanovich, Janet
  • Evans, Richard Paul
  • Gautreaux, Tim
  • Griffith, W.E.B.
  • Grisham, John
  • Gross, Dave
  • Hays, Mary
  • Hiassen, Carl
  • Howard, Audrey
  • Hurston, Zore Neale
  • Jaffe, Rona
  • Johansen, Iris
  • Johnson, Steven
  • Johnstone, William
  • Jones, Edward P
  • Jung, Carl
  • Kellerman, Jonathan
  • Kemp, Paul
  • King, Stephen
  • Koonz, Dean
  • LaHaye, Tim
  • L'Amour, Louis
  • Lansdale, Joe
  • Lee, Harper
  • Ludlum, Robert
  • Lufkin, Elise
  • MacDonald, Ann Marie
  • Martini, Steve
  • McCarthy, Cormac
  • McCullers, Carson
  • McMillian, Terry
  • Miller, Sue
  • Monroe, Mary
  • Morrison, Toni
  • Moses, Kate
  • Movsesian, Ara John
  • Munro, Alice
  • Niven, Larry
  • Orlean, Susan
  • Packer, Ann
  • Packer, Z.Z.
  • Parkhurst, Carolyn
  • Paton, Alan
  • Patterson, James
  • Peevey, Maria
  • Pier Ouelette
  • Plain, Belva
  • Popular Fiction
  • Proulx, Annie
  • Rice, Anne
  • Richman, Phylis
  • Roberts, Nora
  • Roby, Kimberia Lawson
  • Rule, Ann
  • Russo, Richard
  • Sanford, John
  • Saul, John
  • Sedaris, David
  • Sheldon, Sidney
  • Shreve, Anita
  • Silva, Daniel
  • Smith, Alexander McCall
  • Smolens, John
  • Spenser, La Verle
  • Standford, John
  • Steinbach, Alice
  • Strauss, Alex
  • Toibin, Colm
  • Tyree, Omar
  • Vanzant, Syanla
  • Walker, Alice
  • Walker, Diane
  • Warton, Edith
  • Weinerman, Megan
  • Weiss, Margaret
  • Weisberger, Lauren
  • Welty, Endora
  • Westerns
  • Westlake, Donald
  • Wilson, Susan
  • Woods, Stuart