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Professor's House, The

By: Willa Cather

Category: FICTION
Guide Created By: Ginny
Discussion Leader(s): Ginny
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Guide Description

Willa Cather's deceptive story of the life of a professor in a small Midwest town and what lies under the surface of every life

Plot Synopsis

The Professor's House peels away layer after layer in the hidden life of a tenured professor in a small Midwest town which is anything but sleepy. A great book for a book club discussion: the ends are never tied up, the interpretation of the symbolism is left to the individual reader, and the meaning of the book is up for grabs. A mysterious character plays a pivotal and perhaps controversial role in the lives of each character, as they all revolve around him in their own way, and the professor is left to confront his own mortality alone.

Biography of the Author

Willa Cather


Questions for discussion from The Professor's House

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