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Da Vinci Code

By: Dan Brown

Category: FICTION
Guide Created By: Joan Pearson
Discussion Leader(s): Joan Pearson & Jo Meander
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Guide Description

The DaVinci Code - a gripping story from the start to the very last page, mixing art history, architecture and religious history in this shocking tale of riveting suspense.

Plot Synopsis

The DaVinci Code is a gripping story from the start to the very last page, mixing art history, architecture and religious history in this tale of riveting suspense.

Robert Langdon, the Harvard symbologist returns in another story of intrigue in this sequel to Dan Brown's Angels and Demons. This time his fine-tuned decoding skills will lead him on a trail of clues hidden in the works of Leonardo DaVinci.


For Your Consideration
Chapters 1 - 24
~ 1. Jacques Saunière will use his last moments to send a message to the sole guardian for one of the most powerful secrets ever kept. What are some of the clues that he left? Was he trying to point out his murderer, or do the clues suggest a more complicated message?

~ 2. Why is Bezu Fache, the police captain anxious to implicate Langdon in Saunière’s murder? Are his suspicions understandable? Does he have motives not related to Langdon’s possible guilt or innocence? (What is it about his tie clip that catches Langdon's eye?)

~ 3. How does Langdon explain the pentacle to Fache? Besides representing the Divine and the magical, do you see a connection between this symbol and femininity? Can you explain what you see that is "feminine"?

~ 4. What is the connection between Bishop Aringarosa and Silas? Does Silas recognize the contradiction between his original attraction to Opus Dei and his current mission? What drives each of these characters? Do you sympathize with either one?

~ 5. What is the "truth" Silas has extracted from each of his four victims that leads him to the Church of Saint Sulpice? How does the rather eccentric history of this church relate to a major historical theme?

~ 6. What is Sister Sandrine's secret? Who warned her? What were her orders? Who is her boss? Could Sr. Sandrine possibly be a member of the Priory of Sion?

~7. What do you know of The Rose Line? Did it really intersect Saint Sulpice? Why was the line moved to Greenwich in 1888. Is the line still viewable in the church?

~ 8. Brown writes that DaVinci was "a homosexual worshiper of nature's divine order." Is this fact? Incongruous in the eyes of Church? An alchemist? At this time the Church viewed both of these as sinful. How does Langdon explain the deeply Christian themes of DaVinci's paintings?

~ 9. How does Langdon help Sophie to understand the connection between the scrambled Fibonacci sequence and the letters in the message? Is PHI considered to be a fundamental building block throughout the history of Art? Are these numbers fact or fiction?

~ 10. What is the significance of Sophie's gold key? What did her grandfather tell her it opened? Is the Priory of Sion's fascination with the Goddess iconology, feminine deities and reverance for the sacred feminine necessarily a contempt for the Church?

For Your Consideration
Chapters 25 - 57
~ 1. What is the hidden message of the Mona Lisa known to Art historians, but not the general public according to Dan Brown? Is the AMON-LISA theory a fact?

~ 2. What is the relationship between Aringarosa, Silas and the Teacher? Why did the Vatican turn over the large sum of money to Aringarosa? Why were traceable bonds stipulated?

~ 3. Why is Silas disappointed in the Teacher? Did Sister Sandrine seem to have a connection with Opus Dei or the Priory? Who is the "enemy" she was warned about? Silas? What frightened her?

~ 4. What are we supposed to believe about the Knights Templar and the Sangreal (Holy Grail)? Is there a clear link between the Knights and the Priory of Sion? Do you consider both of these groups "Christian"?

~ 5. Is Vernet shocked that Sophie came up with the bank account number? How did she do that? What is his interest in the rosewood box?

~6. What is Vernet's interest in the rosewood box? Were you aware of the historical connotations of the Rose?

~ 7. What is the connection, if any, between the Masons and the Priory? What is your understanding of the keystone?

~ 8.Were Les Dossiers Secrets which revealed the existance of the secret organization, the Priory, ever actually located? Why does Landon conclude that Saunière must have been a high-ranking member?

~ 9. Why is the Holy Grail considered more special , more sought after than all other relics? Do you believe that da Vinci knew where the Grail was hidden and that he hid clues in his paintings?

~ 10. What "hot" historical topic had brought Langdon and Teabing together in the past? Does Teabing suggest that the early Vatican banished the sacred feminine? How is the search for the chalice a code for recovering that which has been banished? Does Sophie understand this yet? (Do you?)

For Your Consideration
Chapters 58 - 71
~ 1. Do the details in DaVinci's painting of The Last Supper (click) substantiate the story that Teabing is telling Sophie - that the Grail is a woman? What is it in this painting, which according to Dan Brown, compares to Mary's threatening gesture to John in the Madonna of the Rocks (click), behind which Sophie found the key?

~ 2. Was there ever a Jewish law that condemns celibacy and orders all single men to marry? How would a relationship between Jesus and Mary M. threaten the Church if it were true?

~ 3. Does the Priory's worship of Mary Magdalene as Goddess, Grail, Rose, Divine Mother seem to overlook the importance of Jesus? Why this omission in their worship, and what does their emphasis suggest?

~ 4. Does Teabing give convincing evidence of Mary Magdalene's pregancy and escape from the Holy Land to France? How does Robert dispel Sophie's growing suspicion that she might be the bloodline?

~ 5. Why would the Jews and then Sigisbert, the surviving Merovingian, have kept secret the knowledge of the royal lines of Solomon and Benjamin?

~6. What did Sigisbert's descendant, Godfroi de Bouillion do that establishes the connection between the Knights Templar and the Priory of Sion?

~7. Why is the Bishop in contact with Bezu Fache? Do you agree with Collet's analysis of Fache's behavior? Why do you think he stops Collet from arresting Langdon and Sophie at Teabing's estate?

~ 8. Why is Opus Dei looking for the Grail now? Does Opus Dei know the Grail is not a chalice? What are the "Q" documents? Why the sudden fear that the Priory will reveal the Grail secrets after all this time?

~ 9. What does Robert realize when he learns that his editor sent a draft of his new book to Teabing and others? How does Sophie connect this information with Fache's suspicions? Do you think this is at all important to the story?

~ 10. Why did Sophie decide to show Teabing the keystone? Why is he sceptical that Sophie's grandfather would have given it to her rather than to the other three sénéchaux? Where would he get the information that there were three more?

~ 11. Who is able to decipher the mirrored message Langdon found beneath the rose...sub rosa? Did Bill Gates really buy 18 pages of DaVinci's manuscripts or is this more of Dan Brown's fiction?

~ 12. Do you find Teabing's dismissive attitude towards Sophie off-putting? What is their difference of opinion regarding the Grail secrets if they are successful in finding them? Does she appear to be intimidated by him?

For Your Consideration
Chapters 71 - End
  ...unravelling the plot...
~ 1. Sophie was able to read the mirror message, but who solved the riddle using the "Atbash" cipher to decode the ancient word of wisdom and open the keystone which will lead them to Sir Isaac Newton's tomb?

~ 2. How does Robert explain the Heiros Gamos to Sophie, that rite which caused the rift with her grandfather? Can you venture a guess whom she saw with her grandfather in the center of the crowd? Do you see this rite as spiritual?

~ 3. Can you cite any statments Langdon/Brown makes which disprove the accusations against Brown that the book is a diatribe against the Catholic Church?

~ 4. Who is the TEACHER? When did you figure that out? Can you unravel the plot? How were Fache, Aringarosa, Rémy and the Vatican involved in the quest for the Grail?

~ 5. How did Langdon figure out the password for the black cryptex before he tossed it into the air? Why does he go to Scotland to Rosslyn, when he doesn't really believe the Grail would be hidden in such an obvious location? (Why is this an obvious location?)

~6. Langdon asks Marie, "is the Grail really here at Rosslyn? And if so, where are the blade and chalice mentioned in the poem?" What is her answer? Is the Grail in Rosslyn?

~7. What is the meaning of the last words of the verse? "Adorned in masters'loving art, She lies. She rests at last beneath the starry skies." Are the Grail documents really buried hidden in France after all?

~ 8. How would you describe the central theme of the story? Did Dan Brown make his point, or no? Did this discussion help you to understand or enjoy the book?
  ... from Dan Brown's Official Web site Study Guide:
~ Langdon and Teabing disagree as to whether the Sangreal documents should be released to the world. If you were the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, would you release the documents? If so, what do you think their effect would be?

~ Historian Leigh Teabing claims that the founding fathers of Christianity hijacked the good name of Jesus for political reasons. Do you agree? Does the historical evidence support Teabing's claim?

~ Has this book changed your ideas about faith, religion, or history in any way?

~ Does the world have a right to know all aspects of its history, or can an argument be made for keeping certain information secret?

~ Will you look at the artwork of Da Vinci any differently now that you know more about his "secret life?"

Interesting Information

Links to other WEBSITES
Dan Brown's OFFICIAL WEB SITE // Opus Dei's The Way // Priory of Sion - Facts and Theories // Louvre interior// PHI number // Church of St. Sulpice // Pentagram // Leonardo DaVinci's biography and religious beliefs // DaVinci's Last Supper //

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