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Jane Austen Book Club, The

By: Karen Joy Fowler

Category: FICTION
Guide Created By: Joan P.
Discussion Leader(s): Joan P. & Pedln
Click here to visit the discussion

Guide Description

Contemporary comedy of manners based on characters from Jane Austen's six published novels. Brilliant!

Plot Synopsis

Karen Joy Fowler has written a delicious contemporary comedy of manners about a group of six Californians, five women and one man who gather for six months to discuss the six published novels of Jane Austen. Though the story centers on the relationships among the members of the club, there are underlying parallels between their lives and Jane Austen's characters' old-fashioned notions that virtue and love will triumph over every adversity.

Collateral Materials

Karen J. Fowler Shares Time and Insights with SeniorNet Bookies


Questions for discussion of the Jane Austen Book Club

Interesting Information

Karen Joy Fowler Autobiography // Jane Austen - Biographical notes
"Who's your Jane Austen?" Quiz// Jane Austen in Love - (her own letters)
Diane Rehm Radio Interview with Karen Fowler// Pedln's Parallel Notes
Jane Austen's Bath - Photos// Tsakopoulos Library Galleria, Sacramento
Karen Fowler Joins SN in DC, June, 2004

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