Author Topic: Story of Civilization ~ Will & Ariel Durant  (Read 367486 times)


  • Posts: 347
Re: Story of Civilization ~ Will & Ariel Durant
« Reply #2400 on: April 20, 2015, 12:39:53 AM »

"I want to know what were the steps by which
man passed from barbarism to civilization (Voltaire)"


What are our origins?
Where are we now?
Where are we headed?
Share your thoughts with us!

"Four elements constitute Civilization -- economic provision, political organization, moral traditions, and the pursuit of knowledge and the arts. "
"I shall proceed as rapidly as time and circumstances will permit, hoping that a few of my contemporaries will care to grow old with me while learning. "
"These volumes may help some of our children to understand and enjoy the infinite riches of their inheritance."
"Civilization begins where chaos and insecurity ends."

This volume, then, is about YOU. Join our group daily and listen to what Durant and the rest of us are saying. Better yet, share with us your opinions.

SeniorLearn Contact: JoanK & Discussion Facilitator: Trevor

Is there anyone there apart from Mabel, Joan, and me.??
If there is, could they please acknowledge my request by saying hi or something?

Joan and I have the volumes of course, and I think Mabel at least has access to them. This being the case, it seems that I put in a lot of work for little reason. I'm 87 years now, and there are other things I could be doing rather than one finger typing of a huge number of words, interesting and impressive though they be. Please answer if there are any readers. Thanks, TREVOR.


  • Posts: 3656
Re: Story of Civilization ~ Will & Ariel Durant
« Reply #2401 on: April 20, 2015, 11:16:47 AM »
I understand your feelings Trevor. You have done a good thing taking over for Robby and i've enjoyed continuing with the postings, but i have thought over the last couple of months that at 12 yrs +, we may have run the race.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 8685
Re: Story of Civilization ~ Will & Ariel Durant
« Reply #2402 on: April 20, 2015, 04:57:21 PM »
I tried to get some more interest, but seem to have failed. You have done a marvelous job, TREVOR, but perhaps it is time to stop.

This has been a great enterprise. It was what drew me in to Seniornet in the first place, about 10 or 11 years ago. I remember we were just starting the Romans, (I regret missing the Greeks) and I remember asking if I was too late!

I have learned so much here! The details, of course -- so much that is not taught in our history classes -- but even more, the feeling for the flow of history. The ups and downs, the patterns that repeat over and over. How different people can be, and yet how the same. In this time, where everything is about the NOW, I'll never be able to look at the world that way.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


  • Posts: 3656
Re: Story of Civilization ~ Will & Ariel Durant
« Reply #2403 on: April 20, 2015, 08:07:39 PM »
Ironically, SofC brought me to Seniornet also, about the same time, Joan. I was looking for something related to the Western Civ course i was teaching, and lo and behold, i found a whole site (seniornet) on a myriad of things, but especially the book discussions! Cheers! Cheers ! Cheers!

Thank you to Robby and Trevor and all of you who fueled the discussion of SofC and ALL the discussions. If i never used the internet for anything else, these discussions would be worth the price. Oh! That's right! It's FREE! Just like the library!

Hours and hours and hours of fun and information!


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Re: Story of Civilization ~ Will & Ariel Durant
« Reply #2404 on: April 20, 2015, 08:09:24 PM »
Trevor what a wonderful service you have done for our  readers all this time! We know people are reading the discussion but they are not commenting.  I can't imagine the length of time it takes you to type all that with one finger!

I can't type well and I would fall over if I had to type that so often with 10 fingers. What a job that has been. How good of you to do it so steadfastly!

Even tho I don't participate in this discussion I do want you to know how much we have appreciated your wonderful  commitment (something rare these days) to doing something of value even  if unsung.

Thank you so much for all you have done all this time.

I hope you won't be a stranger here, we'd miss you, if so.

Many grateful thanks from all of us.


  • Posts: 347
Re: Story of Civilization ~ Will & Ariel Durant
« Reply #2405 on: April 21, 2015, 08:46:33 PM »
Many thanks for all the nice comments. I remember cautioning Robby many years ago when he first proposed tackling the Durant volumes, that I doubted if we lesser mortals than the Durants could ever complete the task. Robby pressed on and made a tremendously good job of the task, but even he had to resign from the effort. I salute you Robby. I will remain in these sites as I was when I first joined S'NET years and years ago. Hope to see you all later. TREVOR.  (Pat Schwieters.)


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 8685
Re: Story of Civilization ~ Will & Ariel Durant
« Reply #2406 on: April 22, 2015, 03:59:42 PM »
Can't help tearing up a bit: this has been part of my life for so long. But I think you are making the right decision.

I hope to see you in some of the other sites.


  • Posts: 365
Re: Story of Civilization ~ Will & Ariel Durant
« Reply #2407 on: April 30, 2015, 09:14:12 PM »
Trevor, I am sad about your decision but undertand the reason.

I have been away for some time and 'unwired'. I left everything at home, the laptop, tablet, kindle, and phone.

This was one discussion, I did not want to give up, but all things must end sometime, and without Trevor it would have ended when Robby left, so I am grateful for his tenure.

Trevor was involved in this discussion group from the beginning. It has lasted thirteen and one half years. That is a pretty good record for a group in their eighties. (I am past eighty myself).

Thanks to Joan and Mable for their continuous presence, and all others who contributed.

For Trevor, you were an excellent host and I applaud you, and wish you well for the future. I finished reading the book soon after we started, but there is so much detail that I enjoyed rereading the passages you selected, and greatly enjoyed all the comments.



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Re: Story of Civilization ~ Will & Ariel Durant
« Reply #2408 on: July 10, 2015, 09:34:20 AM »
Bookad posted a great comment in the Library:

Thank you all for your participation over these years.  This discussion is now archived.