Author Topic: Science Fiction / Fantasy  (Read 378954 times)


  • BooksDL
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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3040 on: February 24, 2018, 07:50:15 PM »


  • BooksDL
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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3041 on: February 24, 2018, 07:58:57 PM »
Frybabe, I don't envy you tackling Barrayar in audio form because of the names.  All the nobility have Vor tacked on to the front of their names, which makes them sound a lot alike.  I had to keep looking back to try to keep the good guys and the bad guys straight, and it gets complicated.  It's an action-packed read, though.  Or listen.

Yes, I've read Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen.  It's the one I referred to as probably the last.  Cordelia does appear in many of the books, but not usually as a main character.


  • BooksDL
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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3042 on: February 24, 2018, 08:09:19 PM »
I feel very strongly that we need to push exploration of Mars, and eventual colonization.  The way we're trashing our planet, we're going to need somewhere to expand.  The government role is most important at the stages where nobody sees a profit, so there's no commercial interest.  But the more players the better.


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3043 on: February 25, 2018, 06:56:58 AM »
Pat, I quite agree with you there. It's on my agenda for my next life, assuming there is one. I just don't feel that I am done yet. I coasted through this life somewhat rudderless. What comes next feels like action. I guess this is what comes of reading too much SciFi  ;D

John Michael Godier is something of a partypooper with this web cast, but he does promise the rebuttal.  I like Godiers' casts. He does his research and often shares links to scientific and speculative papers he has read. His end tags are often funny, and sometimes a little self-conscious snarkiness regarding himself creeps in.


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3044 on: February 26, 2018, 05:31:08 PM »
Charles Yu's How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe is a bit confusing. The character claims to be a Time Machine Repairman. Quantum physics is so convoluted. The TM-31 is his home, his transport and his workplace. I am on the edge of giving up, but not just yet; it might get clearer in a few pages.  I think I'd like to try his book of short stories, Sorry Please Thank You: Stories .


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3045 on: February 27, 2018, 06:10:19 AM »
Ran across what looks like will be a fun book to read, called Special Offers by M. L. Ryan. It is listed as a Paranormal Fantasy/Romance/Mystery/Thriller.  Paranormal isn't something I often read but the first few paragraphs of this one have my attention. A Kindle is featured in the story. It is first of a series.


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3046 on: February 28, 2018, 06:16:27 AM »
During my usual morning YouTube cruise, I discovered this little gem which is to be a synopsis of the entire Dune saga. The first is an overview with an in depth look at each book. So Far, it looks like the people who put this together have done only the first book, but also have posted shorts of different aspects of the Dune universe.  I have only ever read the first book. I was surprised to discover that the saga spans 5,000 years. I did try to watch the TV mini-series which covered several books, but lost interest. The 1984 version of Dune remains my favorite movie version.


  • BooksDL
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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3047 on: February 28, 2018, 08:37:08 AM »
That looks like a rather good job, Frybabe.  Just what I need today--hours of youtube watching.  ;)

I also only read the first book.  My children tell me it's the best.  It's been a long time, but that video certainly brings it back.

My economist daughter was much taken with the spice-based economy.


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3048 on: March 01, 2018, 10:51:24 AM »
How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe is turning out to be a rather funny read, once I figured out what he was about. Learning new words like diegetic, which means a narrative or plot according to The New Oxford Dictionary. From that we also get diegetical, extra-diegetical and the Theory of Chronodiegetics. So a "force that is diegetical in nature" I take to mean plot driven. Extra-diegetical I thought might be outside the plot, but I've decided it must mean sub-plot. And of course, chronodiegetic would almost have to be plot-line (or the plot through time). The whole sequence on diegetics is precious. So yes, I am continuing to read it now that I've started to decipher his convoluted quantum wording.

I continue to think of quantum physics/mechanics as somebody's joke or a cosmic puzzle game to keep us busy.


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3049 on: March 02, 2018, 05:29:26 AM »
Oh, dear, another sub-genre pops into my consciousness -- Gothic Space Opera. It includes Hyperion (Dan Simmons), Solaris (Stanislaw Lem) and Blindsight (Peter Watts). First time I've ever heard the term.


  • BooksDL
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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3050 on: March 02, 2018, 12:20:25 PM »
First time I've ever heard the term too, but oddly, I've read all three of those books.  I see some similarities, but not anything I would call Gothic.  Do they give a definition?


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3051 on: March 02, 2018, 04:43:11 PM »
Here are two sites that seem to do a decent job of trying to describe Gothic Space Opera.

I am trying without success (so far) to find out how long the term has been "out there".


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3052 on: March 03, 2018, 12:54:04 PM »
I am thrilled to discover that John Scalzi has written a sequel to Locked In. However, the subject matter of Head On is sports related (violent sports, no less) and will not likely interest me in the least.


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3053 on: March 03, 2018, 04:47:30 PM »
I got notice that the MP3 of Barrayar was ready to download. It was easier than I thought; it downloaded to my Tablet with the Overdrive app. so I don't have to stream it.

Another new experience for me is using the "Experimental Browser" on my Paperwhite. I had never tried that feature before in all the years I've had a reader. An Independent SciFi writer, Robert Scanlon, gave good directions to use it to directly download his free offerings. One, I believe he said, is a pre-release book that he offered to his newsletter followerI s. One is an anthology of SciFi stories and the other is a short story. His name is familiar, so I checked, and sure enough he has Kindle books listed on Amazon. It may take a while til I get to reading them.


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3054 on: March 14, 2018, 09:45:16 AM »
Several things this morning.

Steven Hawking just passed away at age 76.

If I haven't mentioned it before, Alastair Reynolds newest Prefect Dreyfus (Revelation Space universe) has been out since the end of January. I needed that reminder to go see if it is available on Overdrive yet.

I began watching some of Isaac Arthur's science videos on YouTube. I don't know anything about Arthur except his is listed as a physicist and futurist. The last one I saw, called Orbital Infrastructure, was about what things would/are good or better done in space. Also saw ways to reduce space junk, power or both space stations and earth. Here is YouTube's main page for his videos.

I am semi-reading Graig Falconer's Terradox, but can't get too interested in it - skipped a big chunk and discovered I don't seem to have missed much. Just finished Joel Sheperd's Renegade which is first of a series. Of course it was another action-packed Space Military story. I like the characters. Pretty much ignores engineering and focuses on bridge staff and space Marines. The second in series does not sound overwhelmingly interesting, but the third does. Will be adding the rest to my TBR wishlist.


  • BooksDL
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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3055 on: March 14, 2018, 11:05:40 AM »
Thanks for the news, Frybabe, I hadn't heard it, so I read the Washington Post's copious online obit.

I'm not reading much at the moment, shepherding the book discussion, dealing with downed trees, and packing for Portland.


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3056 on: March 14, 2018, 12:23:57 PM »
So, Pat, when are you going to settle permanently in Portland?

I think everybody is in the book discussion right now. Haven't seen any posts anywhere else.


  • BooksDL
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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3057 on: March 15, 2018, 09:16:44 AM »
I don't know when I'll finally be cleared out here.  The more I do  the slower it seems to go.

Frybabe, your post was the first in several days, and since then there have only been two from Barb.  The book discussion was nearly over.  I'm hoping things will pick up then.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10945
Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3058 on: March 24, 2018, 12:20:34 PM »
 We just lost veteran science fiction writer Kate Wilhelm.  I hadn't realized she was also a mystery writer.  Have you read her mysteries?

She was married to sci-fi writer Damon Knight.


  • Posts: 10012
Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3059 on: March 30, 2018, 11:55:38 AM »
I don't recognize any of her works, Pat. I looked up her husband's bibliography and can't say I recognize any of his either. He must have had a sense of humor considering some of his short story titles, for example: "A Eye for a What?", "A Big Pat Boom".

NASA is a bit farther ahead on it's food growing in space and on Mars and the Moon than I realized, mostly because I wasn't paying attention. I watched one of their webcasts this morning where they put together a soil that matched as best they could from the Martian soil analyses from the rovers. Great news, there appear to be a number of veggies that grow well in Martian soil (potatoes do fine, but produce small and apparently not real tasty tubers). Not only that, but earthworms do just fine in the more jagged type of  Martian soil; the scientists had expected the jagged edges of the soil to be a problem for the earthworm's gut to handle. I don't think the narrator mentioned if the nutritional value of the crops was up to snuff. Terraforming Mars, under dome at least, looks more and more feasible.

I am 3/4 of the way through Elysium Fire and still waiting on The Warrior's Apprentice, the first Miles  Vorkosigan which is in audiobook form, which is on hold but getting close. Of, BTW, one of the newer Issac Arthur episodes features Revelation Space. I haven't gotten to that one yet.


  • Posts: 10012
Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3060 on: April 02, 2018, 08:30:36 AM »
Finished Elysium Fire. I wasn't sure where the book was going when it started out with two threads seemingly not related at all, but it all came together nicely with a rather dramatic ending. Aurora showed up again, even as she is still battling the Clockmaker in cyberspace. Drefus and Aumonier has some difficult decisions to make.

Right now i am into the last of M. R. Forbes War Eternal series, called The Edge of Infinity. It is, of course, a space war epic between malevolent AI and humans and cycles through a series of time recursions to try to change the past to help defeat the AI invaders. While I thought some of the technological features/abilties a bit "out there" I did like the characters a lot.

Still waiting on the Bujold audiobook. Gosh, it should be available soon.


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3061 on: April 02, 2018, 01:34:22 PM »
Just a note for Matthew Mather fans, his book, CyberStorm, is in development by 20th Century Fox for an upcoming movie. Mather's background, before becoming a writer, has been in cybersecurity, nanotechnology, and his most recent work prior to his writing career which was at the McGill Center for Intelligent Machines. I assume that organization is associated with McGill University, where Mather got his degree. His books have sold over 1 million copies in just four years and have been translated into 18 languages. It appears Cyberstorm was his first novel. I am more familiar with DarkNet, though I have not read it. If I remember correctly, I have his Nomad (first in the New Earth series) in my e-book pile.


  • BooksDL
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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3062 on: April 02, 2018, 08:32:38 PM »
Ready Player One is now out as a movie.  I don't know if I want to watch it or not.  The book involves a dystopian future in which most of the characters live in squalor, but live much of their life, including their schooling, in virtual reality.  The plot involves a contest to gain a lot of power in this system, played out in virtual reality, involving detailed knowledge of the early computer games and their quirks.  It was a decent read, but I suspect the movie visualization of it would be tiresome.


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3063 on: April 03, 2018, 07:43:01 AM »
Ready Player One is a popular book but it never appealed to me. I am not particularly fond of dystopian stories nor am I a gamer. I do like some of the game themes that are out there, most particularly HALO, but only read the books. Funny that it wouldn't appeal to me be cause I do like (still) Hackers and Tron. The movie topped the box office take over the past four-day weekend at $53 million here in the US. According to an AP article, internationally, it grossed $128 million, over $61 million of that from China.

My sister is very much interested in VR especially for virtual traveling. Too bad it wasn't around years ago when I was into fencing. I had difficulty finding a fencing partner who would fence with someone at the beginner level once I finished with a township sponsored class. The local fencing club was mostly made up of college or older, experienced fencers who fenced within their little group of friends or were practicing for local competitions.


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3064 on: April 04, 2018, 08:29:49 AM »
Just got word that Jack Campbell's newest Genesis Fleet book, Ascendant, will release May 15.


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3065 on: April 05, 2018, 08:55:38 PM »
And there is more: Unbound worlds has posted their list of the best new Science Fiction and Fantasy being released this month. Among them is a new John Scalzi book featuring another group of Haden's Syndrome people and a sports game. I don't know yet if it features the same main character. Since I am not into sports, so I probably won't read it, but I did like the first book.

Also a it reminds me that Jack McDevitt's latest Patricia Hutchins book, The Long Sunset , releases in 12 days. I do wish for a new Alex Benedict book though.

Ian McDonald's, Time Was, looks very interesting, and the latest short story anthology is always welcome.


  • Posts: 10012
Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3066 on: April 07, 2018, 08:08:52 AM »
PatH, you might be interested in this non-fiction work by Adam Becker, What is Real? The Unfinished Quest for the Meaning of Quantum Physics. I've put a hold on it at the library. If I haven't already mentioned, I am inclined to think that Quantum Physics is some cosmic entity's idea of a joke, but some of it seems to actually work.y


  • Posts: 10012
Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3067 on: April 21, 2018, 07:25:07 AM »
I just finished the short-stories published by D. M. Pruden in a free book called Future Vistas. They are soft SciFi and pleasant reading. Pruden has four books on Amazon, but not this one. It doesn't surprise me that his Mars Ascendant series involves terraforming and its consequences since he was a geophysicist for 35 years. 


  • BooksDL
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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3068 on: April 24, 2018, 01:02:19 PM »
Big Brother is watching me.  I just got an ad from Amazon for What is Real?  Have you started it yet?  I kind of agree with your take on the subject.


  • Posts: 10012
Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3069 on: April 24, 2018, 05:21:27 PM »
Yes, I have started it, but haven't had a lot of time to read it (not to mention the practical impossibility of trying to read and keep Shan out of trouble or hold the book over the cats. As soon as I sit down lately, they rotate lap duty. Oscar is the easiest. Lucy burrows under and gets her face into mine. Shan steps right over the book and gets into my face.

Okay. Back to the book. It is, so far, easy to understand, but, the first chapters are mostly historical background. I am learning a little more about the physicists behind the Quantum theory.

Do you remember Peter Sellers' movie Being There? Becker's description of Neils Bohr and the relationships he had with his students and colleagues remind me an awful lot of Seller's character, Chance. His discription of Bohr leaves me wondering just how much Bohr knew or how smart he was. According to the book, Bohr was soft spoken and mumbled a lot, making it hard to understand what he was saying. His writing was very difficult, so says Becker, to understand. Bohr often used very long, very convoluted sentences. He also had a lot of trouble understanding a concept, leaving his colleagues and students to be at pains to explain things until he did finally "get it". And then, again, he seems to have been good at restating a problem back to its originator. In all of this, I am of the opinion that his colleagues and students, because they had to work so hard to get him to understand the problem, actually became better at stating their cases. I have to wonder how much Bohr actually contributed, other than being a sounding board, for which he was credited. I am probably being to harsh here. I think I will see if I can find a bio of Bohr; it might help counter this odd opinion of him I am getting.

Made quick work of three SciFi books. One, I discovered, I had already read and decided not to read it again. The other two were mediocre enough for me not to finish.   


  • Posts: 10012
Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3070 on: April 27, 2018, 08:36:06 AM »
Interesting news, PatH. Dan Harmon (never heard of him) who is apparently associated with the TV channel, Adult Swim (never watched it) has optioned Kurt Vonnegut's Titans of Saturn for a TV series. It is listed as in development, which means it could be a long time, if ever. Harmon is yet another guy who has apologized for sexually harassing someone.


  • BooksDL
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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3071 on: April 27, 2018, 11:43:55 AM »
There's an adult swim channel?  Seems like overkill.

That's probably Sirens of Titan.  Have you read it, Frybabe?  It's hard for me to believe it would make a good TV series.  It's got some rather confusing time travel, the world isn't a very appealing place, and the whole story is a sort of cosmic joke.  It definitely has the wry Vonnegut touch, though.


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3072 on: April 27, 2018, 12:14:17 PM »
Oops! Remembered the name wrong. Adult Swim, to the best of my understanding, is a TV channel devoted obnoxious, off color, perhaps satirical, Noir type programs. I assume its target audience is the 20 to 35 age group, but I could be very wrong. None of it appeals to me. Maybe Vonnegut would fit right in.

I actually haven't read any Vonnegut that I can recall.


  • BooksDL
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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3073 on: April 27, 2018, 01:23:21 PM »
In WWII, Vonnegut was a prisoner of war, in a German camp in Dresden.  He survived the firebombing by a fluke, having been shut into a meat locker with some other prisoners.  Afterwards, his job was to help shovel up bodies and dispose of them.  This experience gave him a rather sour outlook on life.  His best known work, Slaughterhouse Five, is a rather surreal collage of this story with his supposed kidnapping by aliens, becoming an exhibit in their zoo, and other stuff.  The aliens know the future as well as the past, or maybe live it all simultaneously, and the narrator now does too, so he's living, or at least thinking about all of his life simultaneously.  It's very good, if you can tolerate it, and rightly became a cult classic.


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3074 on: May 01, 2018, 11:03:40 AM »
John Scalzi's new book, Head On, is out and my library has it. I've put that one and another which slipped past me, The God Engines, which was published in 2009. The last, sounds a bit bizarre, put I expect no less from Scalzi.

I noticed that since I requested the library buy Lock In when it first came out, the library system now has most of Scalzi's books. That is a big jump from the two I remember when I first looked him up in the catalog. While checking McDevitt, I recalled that I haven't yet read The Casandra Project, either that or it was forgettable. Anyway that is on my list now too. I'll have to check the status of his latest Priscilla Hutchins, not sure that has released yet. Still waiting on the latest Jack Campbell. I have that one on pre-order from Amazon.

I still need to finish Adam Becker's book on Quantum physics. I hope I can renew it. It comes due back to the library on the 6th.

Finished reading a book I started a year or so ago and didn't like the first time I tried reading it. Called Cosega Search, by Brandt Legg, it is about an archaeologist who was seeking an ancient artifact told of in old church prophecies. With the US Government and the Vatican after it and him, he is on the run while trying to decipher the meaning of it. This is the first of a series. It was just okay. It grew on me enough to finish it, anyway.

Oh, almost forgot. I watch an Isaac Arthur episode last night where he mentioned Alastair Reynolds' Revelation Space series has his favorite. He also featured We Are Bob: We Are Legion by Dennis E. Taylor. I believe I mentioned it earlier. It is a regular riot, especially if you listen to the audio book. Ray Porter is the fantastic narrator for the series. It is about self-replicating probes sent out to find habitable planets to colonize. Of course, as the probe and its AIs copy themselves more and more, they begin diverging from the original making for some interesting situations and characterizations.


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3075 on: May 01, 2018, 04:03:33 PM »
Forgot to mention that I managed to stay awake to watch AMC's new show, The Story of Science Fiction, hosted by James Cameron. He mostly interviews and talks about SF movies. In this first one, he talked to George Lucas and Stephen Speilberg, and there were clips of Will Smith, Sigourney Weaver and Whoopie Goldberg among others. It was okay, interesting but not much new info at this point.


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3076 on: May 04, 2018, 06:36:13 AM »
PatH, you might be interested in watching this Isaac Arthur episode. He deals with mind augmentation and includes ideas featured in the Revelation Space Universe.


  • Posts: 10012
Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3077 on: May 12, 2018, 04:32:48 PM »
I've just started reading Peter F. Hamilton's The Reality Dysfunction. I do like the way his descriptive writing. It flows so nicely.

Campbell's new book drops on the 15th. I think I said the 9th.

Waiting on my next Miles Vorkosigan audio-book, The Vor Game. Also placed a hold on Sirens of Titan. If I am not careful, I am going to have a ton of books again dropping on me at once.  ;D


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3078 on: May 15, 2018, 02:18:59 PM »
I don't think I will get to finish Hamilton's The Reality Dysfunction. It turns out that it is 1239 pages or there abouts.  Not only that, it is part of a trilogy with the other two being over 1000 pages each. The description sounded interesting. It is a future history of two very advanced tech and bio-tech civilization groups, Edenists and Adamists and their conflicts. Somewhere in all of this, I just discovered, according to Wikipedia, is that the core plot is about the souls of the dead coming back to possess the living, and the living fighting back. Ugh! In that case, it doesn't sound like I care to finish that part anyway. Still, Hamilton's writing has an appealing flow to it that I like so I will chug along for the time being.

Also, on tap, Jack Campbell's newest is now ensconced on my e-reader along with Hugh Howey's book of short stories called Machine Learning. Evan Currie's latest, Odysseus Ascendant (Odyssey One Book 7) is available, but that will have to wait for two months. I want to finish the Richard Phillips The Rho Agenda:Inception series, Dead Shift which is part of the Amazon Lending Library (only allowed one a month). Of course, that still leaves the audio book of The Vor Game when it drops.   


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Re: Science Fiction / Fantasy
« Reply #3079 on: May 15, 2018, 02:30:34 PM »
Just discovered R. E. McDermott's Under a Tell-Tale Sky: After the EMP, part one of his Disruption Trilogy. It is a post-apocalyptic work with a different venue than the usual. It is set on a ship, the Pecos Trader. It is dedicated to the men and women of the United States Coast Guard. I am adding it to my very long to read list.