Author Topic: The Warden/Barchester Towers ~ Trollope ~ Fall Book Club Online  (Read 23699 times)


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Re: The Warden/Barchester Towers ~ Trollope ~ Fall Book Club Online
« Reply #240 on: November 13, 2017, 09:44:05 PM »

Welcome to our Fall read,
Trollop's, Barchester Towers

November 5 - November 11
Discussing, Chapter 40 - to - Chapter 53

Barchester is an ancient but imaginary twenty-ninth dioceses to the medieval parochial and cathedral system of the Anglican Church in Britain.

Central to the Victorian characters who occupy this factitious community is social conflict; both the trivial and the important are presented with equal respect and noble intent. 

"'Wilt thou have this woman as thy wedded wife,' and 'wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband, to live together according to God's ordinance?'

We have no doubt that they will keep their promises, -- the more especially as the Signora Neroni had left Barchester before the ceremony was performed."

Please post your impressions, questions, observations and research ---

The schedule for our discussion    
Oct. 8 - 14 ---- Chapter 1, Who will be the new Bishop? -  to - Chapter 9, The Stanhope Family
Oct. 15 - 21 --- Chapter 10, Mrs Proudie's Receptions - Commenced - to - Chapter 19, Barchester by Moonlight
Oct. 22 - 28 --- Chapter 20, Mr Arabin - to - Chapter 27, A Love Scene
Oct. 29 - Nov. 4 --- Chapter 28, Mr. Bold is entertained by Dr and Mrs Grantly at Plumstead - to - Chapter 39, The Lookalofts and the Greenacres.
Nov. 5 - 11 --- Chapter 40, Ullathorne Sports - Act II - to - Chapter 53, Conclusion -
Discussion Leader: Barb

Well! I'll be....! Thanks for the information, Pat. I thought the Bishop got the apron from Mrs Proudie, in exchange for his pants. Wasn't she a strong character? Long after she was dead, she was still haunting the author. There have always been strong women. It's just that we don't have their histories. Women's liberation is the greatest thing that ever happened. And it's great to see them doing so well in all their endeavours. It is a bit discomforting to pick up a book with the title: The End of Man, or listen to the talk by Maureen Dowd: Are Men Obselete? Aw shucks, men, let's take a break and try matriarchy.

A great discussion, Barb. What's up next? Have a great holiday season everybody.

Have we seen the end of romance? Of course not. Once we tire of our obsession with gadgetry we'll look for something warm to hug.


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Re: The Warden/Barchester Towers ~ Trollope ~ Fall Book Club Online
« Reply #241 on: November 14, 2017, 03:28:03 AM »
Heading gotcha again Jonathan - ah so  8)

Does seem odd doesn't it, that some see the man/women thing as a seesaw -

I sure hope you are right about Romance - I still love a good story about knights when forbidden love was the theme and Romance included a wonderful quest. My favorite is still Tristram and Iseult as well as, Sir Lancelot with Guenevere - and my favorite movie that was not nearly as effective a novel is Ryan's Daughter.

I guess, as the telephone did not interfere with hugs, maybe wifi will become a way of life that does not interfere with romance - seems there is much to work out, not just technology but the concept of unrequited love or quiet unclaimed passion does not seem to fit the millennials. We shall see...
“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.” ~ Goethe


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Re: The Warden/Barchester Towers ~ Trollope ~ Fall Book Club Online
« Reply #242 on: November 14, 2017, 08:40:05 AM »
The Bishop's apron, now PatH., I missed that for some reason.  Cute to know it's not a kitchen apron, because I would have thought Mrs. Proudie has hen pecked the poor man beyond shame.  Romance will never die, but I do feel it fading away.....the millennials with their texting, tweeting, snap chatting and instagramming, just don't have time to personally romance or be romanced.  The beauty of personal letter writing, strolls in the garden, sitting under a beautiful moonlight, or even dancing in each other's arms to a beautiful ballad is long gone. It's instant gratification couples are looking for.  Here today, gone tomorrow, with just one click of the send button.
I know we won't be discussing any more books this year, so what do we do until the New Year?  Any book titles on the horizon for January 2018? 

Ya'll have a wonderful holiday season. 
“What on earth could be more luxurious than a sofa, a book, and a cup of coffee?...Was ever anything so civil?”
__Anthony Trollope, The Warden