Author Topic: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?  (Read 29292 times)


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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #40 on: April 05, 2010, 08:10:12 AM »
Talking Heads #8

"It occurred to me that nothing is more interesting than opinion when opinion is interesting..."
Herbert Bayard Swope, creator of the Op-Ed page.

A two week  forum for opinions on anything in print: magazines, newspaper articles, online: bring your ideas and let's discuss.

Our Eighth Selection is: Salt!

You can't live without it, but can you live with it?

Salt of the earth, a man worth his salt...take what he says with a grain of salt…. below the salt at the table…throughout history salt has played an important part of every life. 

.....Salary…..(from sal, salt, salarium, the  Roman soldier was paid money so he could buy salt).

......In 1924 Iodized salt saved lives when the addition of iodine to salt addressed  iodine deficiency related diseases

......The Salt March: In early April, 1930 Mahatma Gandhi, 61 years old, reached Dandi after walking 241 miles in 24 days. He then defied the law by making salt.

...... National Salt Reduction Initiative of 2010 seeks a crackdown on the salt added in restaurants and processed foods.

Don't eat salt, you say? Bet you do! Do you know where most of it lurks and that you can't taste it?

Do you know the recommended salt intake?

Have you looked at a can of tomato soup lately?

Too much fuss over nothing? Can't eat watermelon without salt?

Read the one page briefing  article in Time Magazine:,9171,1975316,00.html Salt in US Food of April 5, 2010 and let's discuss: is this just another fuss over nothing or is there a hidden killer in our midst?

Let's discuss!.
May 13 is our last day of class for the 2023-2024 school year.  Ask about our Summer Reading Opportunities.


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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #41 on: April 05, 2010, 08:11:56 AM »
So what did I do yesterday? I made all the old recipes, even the sinful ones with soup, and today I feel like a sloshing bucket. Have probably set self back 10 years. It's one thing to talk the talk , I can do that, I need to walk the walk. It's an acquired taste, Pedln found on the Mayo clinic site,  that's heartening, and can thus be avoided. But LOOK at the sodium in a tsp of salt! Have you ever watched these cooking shows? I remember seeing Rocco deSpirito throw in tons of salt and saying "you have to be able to taste it." I like his cooking maybe that's why?

My doctor says restaurants and fast food chains and processed foods, including "diet" foods don't care about your health, they care about making it "taste good."

But Rocco has a new cookbook out of healthy low fat menus at least one of his featured recently in People Magazine is, and looks fabulous. I absolutely loved his old show Restaurant, too bad you can't get it in DVD.

I saw again the "cocaine" remark about our modern food being so full of fat it creates a dependence,  the taste of fat wants more fat,   and now it looks like salt does the same thing.

 I wonder how you can eat out (not that I do that all that much) and avoid it.

Thank you PatH, I thought you were a chemist!! Such a range of interesting backgrounds here. Could not manage chemistry. In high school they brought in this Berkeley professor of chemistry who had been moved due to her husband's transfer and had not found a job at a university.

First we had Inorganic Chemistry, well that was a blight on one's record since one had no earthly idea what the woman,  who was so cheerful and so encouraging, was SAYING. She had no idea why none of us could comprehend the simplest strange looking diagrams and concepts. Barely passed that one, what on earth was it about? Blot on record.

Then we had Organic Chemistry, for some reason that made more sense and managed to do better.  Somewhat better.  Way out of my league.
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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #42 on: April 08, 2010, 01:36:45 PM »
Did anyone watch the Salt program on History Intern'l last night? It was quite good, if you get a chance to see it, take a look. It was sort of a summary of the book Salt and also of what we have been talking about. .................... jean


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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #43 on: April 10, 2010, 08:13:06 PM »
It is too quiet in here. Jean, I didn't see the show you mentioned, but I did see one a while back. I think it was one of the Modern Marvels series. The salt mine under part Chicago stands out.

We don't generally here much about salt mining in the US, but it has a long history. I wonder what percentage of our table salt is from right here in the US. I know a lot of the salt that is mined here goes to road salt. I don't remember seeing any stats for that.


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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #44 on: April 11, 2010, 06:21:44 AM »
Ah road salt.. WE spent 10 years in New England and in the winter, that stuff just eats away your car.
I do remember a novel years ago about the end of the world as we know it.. One of the things that the survivor did was go in Florida to a certain area where salt is close to the surface and get salt since it was desperately needed. No idea if it is true, but there is an area in Florida called Salt Springs somewhere near Ocala..
Stephanie and assorted corgi


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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #45 on: April 11, 2010, 09:16:18 AM »
Yes Steph, salt is something our bodies needs to survive as well as animals who will travel for miles to get to a salt lick. It is just that we are using too much of a good thing. The precious commodity that many ancient caravans carried was salt. Various spices were also high demand items, but salt was primary.


  • BooksDL
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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #46 on: April 11, 2010, 10:54:36 AM »
Steph, I don't know if we read the same novel or not, but I remember something similar after a nuclear holocaust had occurred.  Money, of course, was useless, but salt was a great bartering item because it could be used to preserve things.

This morning I made waffles for breakfast, using only 1/2 teaspoon of salt instead of the called-for full teaspoon, which probably could have been totally eliminated.  I don't think it would have any effect on how it cooked.


  • BooksDL
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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #47 on: April 11, 2010, 02:24:40 PM »
I saw something that said there was a huge salt deposit under one of the Great Lakes. We never think of where our salt comes from.

The other day, my son got mideast takeout: hummous and baba ganoush (sp?) favorites of mine. They were so salty, I couldn't eat them!!


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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #48 on: April 11, 2010, 03:25:40 PM »
I don't know if my memory will get the figures right, but i think they said 9x more salt is used on the roads than we use in food in the U.S. They are also working on a formula that will make that road salt less corrosive to cars and infrastructure. I also think it was Lake Erie that had a huge amt of salt under it...............and yes, this was part of the modern marvels series.................someone mentioned it here early on and i put the date on my calendar to watch...........jean


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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #49 on: April 11, 2010, 03:28:28 PM »
Ahhh, yes, just checked it out and it was Sheila who mentioned the program was going to be on.................jean


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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #50 on: April 11, 2010, 09:07:45 PM »
And I've been to Lake Erie and never dreamed I was standing on salt. I've also been to the Dead Sea, with it's salt (filled) pillers.


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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #51 on: April 12, 2010, 12:15:00 PM »
Marking my place so I'll be brought back to this discussion.

Using the "Rachael Raye" method  :D, I sprinkle a tiny bit of salt in the palm of my hand and "dust" it over the eggs I have for Sunday night supper.

I read "somewhere" that the sodium content on labels is probably o.k. if it's 5% or less of the daily RDA.  

Last time I was hospitalized for surgery, I was served salt-free soup and crackers.  I almost gagged!  :P  If I ever have to do that again, I'm sneaking a salt packet or two in with me.


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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #52 on: April 12, 2010, 06:33:18 PM »
I don't even use salt on eggs anymore - I use pepper.  And on other things I sometimes will use pepper sauce or salsa or some other seasoning.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


  • BooksDL
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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #53 on: April 12, 2010, 08:53:51 PM »
Since right now I'm swimming in fresh avocados from a friend's garden, I've substituted an avacado sandwich for my salty lunchmeat. More fat, but they've decided that avacados are good again.


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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #54 on: April 13, 2010, 05:57:31 AM »
MaryZ... yes I love black pepper and /or salsa on eggs.. But unless you make your own salsa, there is salt in it..
I use a lot of lemon or lime juice.. It seems to somehow take away the salt craving..
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • Posts: 461
Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #55 on: April 19, 2010, 01:02:10 PM »
avocados are good for you since hey are an antioxidant. the Haas are really good now and only a buck a piece at most of our CA markets.they taste protty wonderful without anything on them I wonder why we never get fuertes any more. they are good too.

 when I was sixteen my folks bought a place with forty nine avocado trees and the fuertes were every bit as good as the haas.  the green green ones were lacking in oil and only nice to look at.  we had every kind including some other   exotic fruits and nuts.  avocadoes were part of every meal then. I hate paying for them now.


  • Posts: 494
Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #56 on: April 20, 2010, 04:17:03 AM »
Claire, I envy you, all of those avacado trees!  As a child, growing up in Southern California, we had an avacado tree, in our back yard.  I remember my favorite sandwich was avacacdo.  My mother would ask me to go out and pick a few of them, then make our sandwiches.  Yummy!

Can someone please tell me when our next subject will begin?  I am looking forward to it.



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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #57 on: April 21, 2010, 04:30:50 PM »
I'm reading a book about Ida Tarbell and her expose of John D. Rockefellar.................and found out that some of the oil found in Pennsylvania near Lake Erie was found when they dug in old salt digs. The whole world seems to be connected if we look far you remember a PBS show called Connections?  It was on sev'l yrs ago and had some famous BBC guy as narrator.


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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #58 on: April 21, 2010, 06:28:50 PM »
No but I saw the national news here last night and there was a huge piece on salt and how Campbell's soup is cutting it, and how if you just use 1 tsp less per day the wonderful things which would happen!

My newspaper today has a big article on it.  Seems the government does not want to regulate salt. 1,500 mg is the recommended amount per day to not cause any problems. The old recommendation was 2,300. Most Americans, it says, get more than 3,400 mg per day.

It IS amazing how, when you start to talk about something, everything seems to point to it!

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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #59 on: April 21, 2010, 06:30:18 PM »
What subject would you all like to discuss next in our next Talking Heads? We are open to nominations and suggestions! :) What in the news interests you? Or what issue would you like to discuss here?
May 13 is our last day of class for the 2023-2024 school year.  Ask about our Summer Reading Opportunities.


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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #60 on: April 21, 2010, 06:33:11 PM »
do you remember a PBS show called Connections?  It was on sev'l yrs ago and had some famous BBC guy as narrator.

Absolutely, Mabel. James Burke was his name. What a wonderful program series it was too. Sometimes it would leave my head spinning.


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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #61 on: April 28, 2010, 09:58:20 AM »
Years ago I visited Uruapan, Michoacan in Mexico which calls itself the avocado capital of the world. There were huge orchards, fruit hanging heavy on the trees as it was getting near harvest time.  It is a pretty city with a waterfall park and lots of craftsmen.  Sadly I read that it has been virtually taken over by drug cartels, a lot of violence. 
Of course I make guacamole, but try to keep the salt down, use lots of lime and cilantro. It is great on sandwiches made of leftover roast chicken. 
Everyone seems to be doing well with creative ideas on salt reduction.  And I share the problem of the non-compliant husband, but at least he has s topped salting his food even before he tastes it!


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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #62 on: April 28, 2010, 10:04:30 AM »
Francesco Rinaldi spaghetti sauce with 330 mg sodium gets a "Heart Healthy" seal from the American Heart Association.  Of course that is for a half cup serving,most people want more on their pasta.  does anyone else use the American Heart Association cookbook?


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Re: Talking Heads ~ Salt: You Can't Live Without It, Can You Live With It?
« Reply #63 on: April 29, 2010, 05:12:53 AM »
yes, i use the Heart Assn Cookbook. I make my own speghetti sauce because most of the commercial ones have too much sugar for me. I just use a can of tomato sauce and add my own spices and  lots of pepper and garlic. My kids have always said they like my sauce better than others.........nice to hear............jean


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I do like to cook especially creative with left overs I taste it until I'm satisfied and then  oh shooooooot.  then I eat it and it is so good I just keep on doing that. . .eating it. I should stay out of the kitchen if I want to lose weight.



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The new issue of Time Magazine (the one with the oil spill on the cover and the bomber of Times Square or the would be bomber within)  has a gigantic article on salt.

THEY say that it's not what YOU put on your food which matters, your reaching for the salt shaker,  but what the manufacturers put in the food to begin with, what the restaurateurs put, literally fistfuls of salt on a piece of steak or  meat for instance, literally fistfuls. I have seen this in some cooking shows, for instance I saw a famous chef throw about a fistful of salt into something and when the narrator expressed surprise, the chef said, "you have to be able to taste it."

Anthony Bourdain  (who was not the chef in question) has come out strongly opposed to the legislation they are trying to get going to curb this propensity.

I recently ate at a nice restaurant for lunch. Even on that luncheon menu,  I looked up the menu online of the restaurant first (thinking of this discussion) and was astounded at the SALT and the fat in what you would have thought were good, maybe even healthy choices. At least they are honest about it.  Many of the entrees had more than 3,300 mg of salt and I have a feeling that was only the beginning.

It's in our food even our cereals which we buy and think we're eating well, it's everywhere. It causes hypertension, heart disease and a lot of other things. There seems no substitute for it like there is sugar, or do you find that so, that's what the article says, pooh pooing Mary's pepper.

Is it a question of palate? Salt, they say, makes things taste good. If that packaged dinner or pizza or box on the shelf tastes good people will buy it again.  If it doesn't they won't.

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Something we didn't touch on too much here is the preservative effect salt has. Before all these "lovely" chemicals  and freezers they have come up with salt was (and in some cases still is) the major way to preserve foods (especially meats and fish). How would a major effort to stop the use of salt affect the pickling industry?

Regarding salt substitutes, potassium chloride comes to mind but that is but it is just as "bad" as salt, and too much potassium can be dangerous for other reasons other than blood pressure.


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a leaf blower sounds just like a low flying helicopter just woke up. later, claie


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How much salt tastes right is a matter of habit. If you're used to a lot of salt, then things don't taste right without it. But if you don't use salt, then you can't even eat the salty commercial foods.


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joanK  diddo


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Thank you for this super discussion on salt in our food, it's been amazing that since we started the discussion just about all of the major magazines have done a feature on it, talk about being au courant.

But wait till you see the next one!

Come on down to:

A Duty to Die? And see what you think of that provocative thing! Is what he's saying about education and poverty true do you think? And what of the "duty to die" issue?

Come give us your thoughts!

May 13 is our last day of class for the 2023-2024 school year.  Ask about our Summer Reading Opportunities.