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Talking Heads ~ Three Day Wonders

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We always enjoy the Geico commercials with the Gekko (neither worm or lizard, Ella hahaha)  My favorite of those is the one with the bobble headed gekkos and then the big blow up one.

I also used to get a real laugh out of the one with Goose, wandering around shouting AFLAK about catastrophe insurance.  They were really funny.  And the guy who was always in them, looking askance at the goose! OMGosh!

What about the beer commercial, where the truckers take back the beer that they represent?  Also funny! 

Interesting article from Time magazine.  Not sure I agree with it, though.

The most annoying commercials are those for car dealers that YELL at you!  I heard a news story last night that reported a protest against commercials with volumes louder than the program in which they're inserted.  Yay!!!!!!

Another Gripe is multiple commercials bunched together for what seems like hours - but probably lasts a minute or so.

Favorites?   I like the Geico gecko and a state banking commercial featuring various Oklahoma towns from founding to current day.  I don't know what the technique is called -but what look like sketches in motion fade in the development.  Very well done.
However, most of the time I either mute the commercial and work on a crossword puzzle or go "powder my nose"/replenish my glass of iced tea.

I appreciate commercial free performance programs ("Live At Lincoln Center", for instance).


I am also a fan of the Geiko ads.  Always watch when they come on.   

And when the Budweiser  beer ads with the Clysdale horses are shown --- watch them every time.
Here's the dream one on Youtube that is so precious....there are other listed on the right hand side to watch.


Here are some Geiko commercials on Youtube.


Callie, yeah,  commercial free programming is great!  But you don't get that often enough.  Someone has to pay for them. 
Oh, I love those ghecko ads, Marj - thank you for the youtube links...I love his accent - a stroke of genius.  Can you imagine him without the British accent?

I'll tell you which ones I really dislike - those that I don't get - that I have to ask whoever is in the room with me what it meant!  It makes me feel - out of it.  I'm going to think of one that I've seen recently and try to find it - maybe you can explain it to me!


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