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Talking Heads ~ Opens July 3 - TRAVEL

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--- Quote --- We were very tired, we were very merry --
 We had gone back and forth all night upon the ferry.
--- End quote ---

That’s been running through my mind, Steph, ever since you told of your ferry rides to get to Virginia. I never paid any attention to that peninsula before, but what a trip that must have been and how you must have looked forward to the ferry ride.  Is it all tunnel now (how boring) or is there also a bridge so you can see something?

That’s a real trek for a week’s trip, Jane, out to Yellowstone from Ohio. And the travel bug has stayed with you ever since.  I’ve been in the Adirondacks once – with a group called Outdoor Vacations for Women over 40.  It was a weeklong canoe trip that started at someplace called Blue Pond – which I anticipated to be a small placid body of water. Ha – it was a lake, with waves.  But a great vacation.

Ginny, I’m with you on the grits.  However, if they are made with cheese, they’re not bad.  I put them in the same group as okra, unless the okra is deep fried.  How did you miss Alaska, and the Dakotas with Mt. Rushmore?  Though in all honesty, I must admit I’ve only been in one of the Dakotas – South?  In addition to Rushmore it has Wall – the Wall drugstore?  

Just now thinking of places I’ve been – quite a few, surprisingly.  More than I realized.  I won’t even try to say what was best or worst.  The Bucket List keeps growing, it seems with almost every book I read.  Margaret Maron writes so enticingly about Sea Grove, NC,  and then there are all those Tiffany pieces (from Clara and Mr. T) down there in the Morse Museum in Winter Park.  They’re possible doables.  And I want to go on that train through Canada -- from Toronto to Seattle or Vancouver.

I have been to all 50 states, and overseas quite a bit,, Central America, the Bahamas and that area.. No Russia or China or Australia or South Africa..  I am going back to Scotland in early September .. So I love travel. When we had the Rv, we went all over the US.. but have also done a lot of long train trips in the US and Canada..
Place I go back to... Asheville NC, New Orleans, Savannah Ga, Nashvlle,TN.. any where in Kentucky... England, Scotland , Wales,, Small french towns, anywhere in SwitZerland. Places I plan to never return.. Jamaica, Bahamas, MEXICO.. Oh me, I hate Mexico.Filthy, rude. beggars everywhere. NO>
Oh the Bridge Tunnel is how you leave the tip of the DelMarva Peninsula now. It is pretty in places and fun,, but not like the boat.

We didn't travel much when I was growing up.  Money was tight and my father only liked hunting, fishing, or camping trips. 
the trips we took were all camping trips.  We spent a week every summer camping out at South Padre.  We also went to Big Bend and Carlsbad Caverns (can you tell that I am from Texas?).  My mother always wanted to travel, but alas, those were not the days when separate vacations were acceptable.  We did go to one of the border towns in Mexico and when I was in high school.  Mother, one of my older sisters, my little sister and I took a trip to Pensacola, Fla.  We stopped for a couple of days in New Orleans, and visited Bellingrath Gardens on the way.  It was great!  When I was in college, mother  inherited an annual annuity.  With that she gave my sisters and I memories of a lifetime.  She gave us money every year (this was after we were married) for what she called "a sister's trip".  The only condition was that this was a "sister's trip"--no husbands and children.  Fortunately, we all had understanding husbands.  We went to Jamaica, the Bahamas, Puerta Vallarta (sounds like Steph would have hated it!), New Orleans, London, Eng. and Paris.  For many years, we rented a condo on Port Aransas, TX.  We stayed a week and laughed, cried, played games, stuffed ourselves with fresh seafood and continued our bonding.  We continued those trips until a few years ago when my oldest sister was diagonosed with terminal cancer and died.  Somehow  our hearts weren't up to it.  We keep saying we are going to start up again, but age, arthritis, and physical limitations are holding us us.
I've written enough for now.  Next, I will be on to travelling with my DDH.  Oh, this is all bringing back great memories!!

Steph, I agree with you about Switzerland.  Just about any place there would be perfect.  I spent about 10 days there over 20 years ago, by myself, not on any tour, doing my thing until meeting up with my son and DIL in Oberamergau, Germany while he went to NATO school.  One of the most interesting day trips was on a milk and mail bus that went through many of the mountain passes.  What scenery, what roads, what a fantastic bus driver.

I’ve never been to Mexico, but right now it’s not high on the Bucket List.  Have you been to the Quilt Museum in Paducah, KY?  Really worth the trip. 

Sally, what a gift from your mother – a lifetime of memories. She must have been a very wise woman.  Of course, you know that lots of folks would give a right arm to camp in Big Bend or Padre Island.  My daughter went all the way there from Minnesota during one spring break from college.  I hope  you and your sisters will have another “sisters” vacation, if not travelling, then in a vacation house somewhere.

Have you had a chance to check out the travel quotes (above)?  Do  you have a favorite?

The journey not the arrival matters  T.S. Eliot

What was difficult was the travel, which, on arrival, is forgotten  Louise Gluck
These seem to contradict each other.  Today I agree with the first, tomorrow, who knows.

But with the problems with air travel, these days, maybe Ms Gluck knows of which she speaks!  We've had flights canceled while in one airport, hoping to get to another that day, and luggage that didn't get to the new plane, etc., but the destination was always worth it.



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