Author Topic: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ April Book Club Online  (Read 72198 times)


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Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ April Book Club Online
« on: February 25, 2010, 02:20:28 PM »

The Book Club Online is  the oldest  book club on the Internet, begun in 1996, open to everyone.  We offer cordial discussions of one book a month,  24/7 and  enjoy the company of readers from all over the world.  everyone is welcome to join in.


Troublesome Young Men:
The Rebels Who Brought Churchill to Power
by Lynne Olson

The 1930's.  Depression years . Tough times for America.  The nation was self absorbed and little concerned in what was going in Europe.

And what was going on in Europe?  In England there was little interest in confronting the menace of Hitler and his invasion of neighboring countries.

The question is why?  Perhaps you think you know?  Not really, not until you read this book.  

Lynne Olson writes a story that comes alive with the history of England during one of its most perilous periods and bring us a fascinating tale of  TROUBLESOME YOUNG MEN, highly ambitious, powerful, wealthy young men, with their love of life, their love affairs, who put their careers in jeopardy to oust the old and bring in a new government willing to face the evil that was upon them.



Discussion Leaders:  Ella and Harold

Ella Gibbons

  • Posts: 2904
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Propopsed for April.
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2010, 10:27:26 PM »
A young reporter who had just begun work for the Sunday TIMES, London said that in 1939 "taxi-cab drivers, waiters and porters went about their work as though they were oblivious to the fact that soon they would be caught up in one of the greatest storms the world had ever known.  The most you could get out of anyone was a short comment such as 'things aren't too bright, are they?' and you suddenly felt guilty of bad taste for having referred to it."

But there were a few troubled men, politicians who were battling ambition versus conscience,  challenging their government, their friends, their party loyalty, the press to do the unthinkable, to oust their prime minister, to open the eyes of their countrymen to the fact that Great Britain's armed forces were undermanned, ill equipped and badly organized to face a deadly enemy.

The prime minister had just adjourned Parliament for two months and gone salmon fishing and the young men were appalled.  

One young rebel said "No government can change men's souls; the souls of men change governments."



  • Posts: 494
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2010, 07:49:33 AM »
Ella, I am so looking forward to this discussion!  The time period between WWI, and WWII, fascinates me.  I hope it will give me more awareness of England prior to the second war.  Churchill certainly wasn't a young man at that time.  I thank God, he was able to lead the Brits in WWII.


Ella Gibbons

  • Posts: 2904
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2010, 03:28:54 PM »
Hi Sheila.  I know you like history as I do and this is not, particularly, a history of Churchill; although, of course, he does come into play at times.  It is the story of the young men who did not like the direction their country was going in and although  doing it took a lot of courage, at times divisiveness between them, they decided to change it.  It's a good political history of England during the decade of the thirties leading into, of course, WWII.


  • Posts: 494
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2010, 04:00:52 PM »
Thanks, Ella.  It surely sounds interesting.  I look forward to learning how these young men, helped put Churchill in as P.M.

I watched a program on the History, or the Military channel, and Churchill was a featured player. To my surprise, it said that Winnie was 60 years old in 1939.  So, he was certainly full of p and v, at that age.  By the time WWII was ended, he would have been 66.  It seems to me that he continued to be quite active, until his death.



  • BooksDL
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Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2010, 04:30:22 PM »
Sheila: what were you thinking? 60 isn't old. Wish I was 60 again! ;)

I'm looking forward to this discussion: it sounds fascinating!


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Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2010, 07:13:47 PM »
I'm with you too.  The time and place interest me, and I'd love to talk about it with all of you.


  • Posts: 10012
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2010, 08:33:18 PM »
I will be here.


  • Posts: 494
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2010, 11:56:45 PM »
Yes, JoanK, sixty does seem young to me, at my present age of 75.  But, sixty seems to be too old to lead a WW.  By sixty I was slowing down some. 


Ella Gibbons

  • Posts: 2904
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2010, 08:51:31 AM »

Am so happy you are interested in discussing the book.   Is it readily available in your libraries or are you buying it?  

I tried to find a biography of Neville Chamberlain, who is the eldest of our group and the man who looms the largest in the history of England during this period.  There are a number of books in my library but am not sure they are what I am looking for.  Any ideas?  


  • Posts: 2007
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2010, 10:16:20 AM »
Sheila:  I'm 75 too!  Just 3 weeks into my 76th year so I'm slowly getting used to it. 

I'll be here.  When will the discussion take place?  The book is waiting for me at the library.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 8685
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2010, 02:27:38 PM »
I guess PatH and I are the senior stateswomen in the group. We're 76. But we'll be glad to inform you young things.

Ella Gibbons

  • Posts: 2904
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2010, 06:06:36 PM »

I will inform you JOANK AND PATH as I am 81 and was in junior high when WWII began.  I later married a veteran of that war, wonderful guy, who died 6 years ago.

Now that we are all acquainted may I say the discussion does not start until April lst, or should we say April 2nd and miss the fool?

Don't read very far ahead, you will forget it all by then!


  • Posts: 715
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2010, 10:55:27 PM »
Thank you Ella for organizing the discussion of this excellent book on the 1939 - 40 political events in the UK that led some six years later to the defeat of Nazi Germany.  It is an Interesting book about events that many of us as junior high or high school students remember.  In my case I was beginning my last year in Junior high school.  I had received a short wave radio as a gift during the 1939 Xmas and followed the August crisis by listening to the BBC and even Radio Berlin.  I also remember waking up on the morning of Sept 3rd hearing a newsboy from the street calling “Extra, Extra, England and France Declare war on Germany.”  I was in my bed room in a south side San Antonio residence.  Both of the San Antonio Newspapers published Extras and were hawking them down the streets in our residential area.  There was another extra in the early morning May 10, 1940 when Germany invaded France and Churchill became the Prime Minister.  I became an eager follower of all the subsequent WW II new events until I graduated from high school in 1944 and joined the navy a few days before my 18th birthday in Oct 1944

Our Book, by Lynne Olson, is an interesting, easy to read book.  I think it will make a fine discussion.  Ella and I invite all of you to join the discussion which will run through April  Click the preceding URL for an excellent short biography of Winston Churchill.  Actually Winston Churchill was born Nov 30. 1874 making him near 65 years old when WW II began and past 65 when he assumed the Prime Minister post on May 10, 1940


  • Posts: 2658
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2010, 08:37:42 AM »
I just purchased a copy of this book.  Neither library in my area had it.
Can't wait to start it.  Have had it on my TBR list for ages.

"Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill."  Barbara Tuchman

Ella Gibbons

  • Posts: 2904
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2010, 08:40:49 AM »

Let's not say another word about who is the eldest, just be glad we can get together online to discuss a period of history that is not too distant!  The 20th century had its heroes and its villains and this book has tales of both; however, it has individual stories, stories of people that never made the news but inflluenced the outcome of that terrible world war.

There are those that say we shall never see the likes of such a war again; probably true.  Hundreds of bombers in the air , hundreds of tanks facing each on the battlefield, thousands of men marching toward the enemy.  For such a war to happen you must have like armies; do you foresee such a war again?

Ella Gibbons

  • Posts: 2904
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2010, 08:43:24 AM »

Good, so happy to have you joining us.  It is March 3rd already and winter, hopefully, will cease its grip on us, leave us alone, please.  It's been a very difficult one!


  • Posts: 2007
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2010, 11:40:43 AM »
Hello, Harold!  Good to see you here.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 8685
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2010, 09:39:50 PM »
"do you foresee such a war again? "

No. The choices now seem to be either nuclear war, or relatively small-scale wars (in geography, if not in people killed) and wars against insurgants.


  • Posts: 715
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2010, 10:08:07 AM »
I don't want to start an early discussion but the following link is to the Wikdipedia Biographical Sketch of Neville Chamberland.  It mayt be of interest as a supplement our book's material on Churchill's predecessor.


Ella Gibbons

  • Posts: 2904
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2010, 03:55:11 PM »
Isn't he nice looking - all dressed up in that picture, Harold!    

There are many pictures of the young rebels in our book which we will discuss when we get into it!  All fine looking men and many women, too.

We musn't leave out the women, they are part of this troublesome group!


  • Posts: 715
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2010, 10:26:17 AM »
Re: Ella's comment, "Isn't he nice looking - all dressed up in that picture, Harold?" 

I hadn't really noted Neville Chamberlain's Picture in my post yesterday, but Ella your are right, his dress is immaculate.  I know the social dress code of the day required a well defined proper dress for many specific social occasions.  I wonder what social event this particular dress was for.  In any case the PM considered it appropriate for his historical legacy.  

Ella Gibbons

  • Posts: 2904
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2010, 10:34:24 PM »
Someday, HAROLD, I intend to read more about Neville Chamberlain.  Our book discusses just one period in his life but there is some interesting history here.  I gather he was not in WWI?  He would have been too old, am I correct?  

At the B&N site there is a new one just published but, goodness, $25 for a copy and no used ones right now.  My library does not have a good selection.  What I would like is a biograpy; not a book covering just one period of the man's life.  Apparently he was a very, very stubborn man that could hate with a passion and act upon that emotion.

This sort of personality could be good or bad, I suppose, in a prime minister or president, I don't know!  We've had some very strong presidents.

The fact of being a veteran of war, WWI,  looms as a large part in the story of these young rebels, but I don't want to go into that very deeply right now.  It's fascinating to contemplate, though, and certainly there are parallels in our own country's history with veterans.


  • Posts: 1093
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2010, 05:02:36 AM »
I am confused.  Is Troublesome Young men the book discussion for April (like The Book Thief for March), or is it a different discussion?  I don't remember voting on it.

Ella Gibbons

  • Posts: 2904
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2010, 09:50:12 AM »
Hi Sally!  Yes, TROUBLESOME YOUNG MEN is scheduled for discussion for April.

It was not voted on.  In the past, fiction has been voted on as we had a selection just about every month.  Nonfiction is not as popular with participants and is just offered 2-3 times a year when a DL finds a good book to discuss.

Do you think there are enough popular nonfiction titles to have a vote on them.


  • Posts: 1093
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2010, 10:05:50 AM »
Ella, thanks for your reply.  I do not care for non-fiction (with a few exceptions).  I read it (with much protest and mental grumbling) when my ftf book club selects a nonfiction for one of the discussions and I must admit that a couple of them have turned out to be favorite books of mine.  However, its not my genre of choice.

Ella Gibbons

  • Posts: 2904
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ Proposed for April.
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2010, 11:15:15 AM »
Yes, I understand that, Sally.  There are people, like myself, that prefer nonfiction and others prefer fiction and, thank goodness, both are being authored and published and filling up the libraries and bookshelves everywhere.


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Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ April
« Reply #27 on: March 06, 2010, 11:13:33 PM »
Hi all, I just noticed this book is featured for April.  I read it a while ago and found it really fascinating, especially with my preconceived idea that Churchill was the driving force behind the development of the British resistance to Hitler.


  • Posts: 715
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ April
« Reply #28 on: March 07, 2010, 09:30:21 AM »
In any case we are finding from reading this book that Churchill was not the only person active in 1930's UK government who opposed Hitler. 


  • BooksDL
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Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ April
« Reply #29 on: March 07, 2010, 02:35:52 PM »


  • Posts: 790
  • Alabama
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ April
« Reply #30 on: March 07, 2010, 04:06:38 PM »
May I join this discussion even if just as a lurker.

I have always loved Winston Churchill.

When I last visited England I meant to visit his home at Chartwell.  However I was not in control of things then.  Some other force seemed to be in control.  My late husband and I were going to visit it on the morning before we boarded the plane for home.  We did go there but found that it was closed.  It is closed on Saturdays.  That happened 7 years ago.  I thought for awhile that I would go back sometime and finish my unfinished business there but now since I am now so much older I doubt that will ever happen.  My eyes have also steadily deteriorated since that time so I dont think I will ever see it now. The first time that I visited England many years ago, the first place that they took us to visit was Churchill's grave site.
I would really like to join this discussion  but I will not be able to read the book because it is not available on Kindle and I cannot find it even in large print or any audio form.  I guess I will just lurk and read along to see what you all have to say.
Joan Grimes
Roll Tide ~ Winners of  BCS 2010 National Championship

Ella Gibbons

  • Posts: 2904
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ April
« Reply #31 on: March 07, 2010, 07:01:21 PM »
AND I ADD ANOTHER WELCOME FOR  DANA!  We will look forward to your comments in April!

And JOAN!  Of course, of course.  Delighted.  I'm a Churchill fan also and on my one trip to England I visited his war rooms deep underground and can't believe how small they were, maps everywhere.  Fascinating to be that close to the man though.

Ella Gibbons

  • Posts: 2904
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ April
« Reply #32 on: March 07, 2010, 07:08:30 PM »
Chartwell, Churchill's beloved home.

I think both Harold and I have stated this before; however I repeat that this is not a book about Churchill, not a biography of the man.  It is the story of the young men in Parliament who saw the danger that England was in during the decade of the 1930's, particularly the later years, and worked to alleviate what could have been a diastrous defeat for Great Britain and a triumph for Adolf Hitler.


  • Posts: 10012
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ April
« Reply #33 on: March 07, 2010, 07:49:03 PM »
What lovely gardens, Ella.


  • Posts: 790
  • Alabama
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ April
« Reply #34 on: March 07, 2010, 08:20:41 PM »
Yes Ella,  I visited those war rooms deep underground also.  I understand that this book is not a biography of Churchill and I will hang out here and read the posts and see what I can learn about these Troublesome Young Men if you and Harold will allow that.  I am looking forward to learning abought them. I am a lover of history.
Joan Grimes
Roll Tide ~ Winners of  BCS 2010 National Championship


  • BooksDL
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Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ April
« Reply #35 on: March 07, 2010, 10:19:03 PM »
Hi, Joan it's good to feel you will be with us, posting or not.

Welcome, Dana, it's good to see you.

My one visit to Churchill properties was to Blenheim, where, in the water meadow, I found the only four-leafed clover I've ever found.


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Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ April
« Reply #36 on: March 07, 2010, 10:46:58 PM »
Thank you for your  welcomes.  I look forward to discussuing this book.  I am Scottish (half!), and Harold McMillan was the PM when I was a teenager over there. I never realised how interesting he was till I read this book, associating him mainly with the Christine Keeler scandal which happened when he was PM, and the wind of change speech about the countries in Africa becoming independent.
Its nice to see a non fiction book up for discussion.  As I grow older I find I am reading more and more biography and history and less and less fiction. 


  • Posts: 790
  • Alabama
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ April
« Reply #37 on: March 07, 2010, 11:03:12 PM »
Thanks for the welcome message PatH. You will know that I am here eventhough I will not be posting.
Hi Dana, good to meet you here.

If I remember correctly I once found a four leaf clover on the grounds of Blenhiem, also. One of he main things I remember about Blemhiem was trying to walk on the grounds without stepping in sheep manure. That was an impossible thing to do. The Stately home there is magnificent. back to my place in the corner now.
Roll Tide ~ Winners of  BCS 2010 National Championship


  • Posts: 715
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ April
« Reply #38 on: March 08, 2010, 11:24:15 AM »
I just scrolled through the 37 posts above that have been made to this board.  According to my count we have a total of 10 readers who have expressed an interest in this discussion. These include Serenesheila, Joan K, PatH, Frybabe, Mrssherlock, Majiifay, Dana, and Joangrimes.  A hardy welcome to all of you!  And JoanG of course you are welcome to audit in the background. And please when you are inclined feel free to post your observation based on the other posts and your past experience.
With Ella and myself we will have some 10 participants.  This should make a decent sized group, but there is certainly room for more.   Any addition readers out there are welcome   The book should be available at most large and many middle sized library.  Also there is still time to order it paperback or hard cover from your favorite book store .  The Amazon and Barnes and Noble purchase links are given below.

Barnes & Noble:


  • Posts: 284
Re: Troublesome Young Men ~ by Lynne Olson ~ April
« Reply #39 on: March 08, 2010, 11:47:08 AM »
hey there

I am hoping to be included in the discussion of the book as well, my first really online.  I am sending for my copy from Amazon, and I know a number of spots we put into on the way home have internet...
what is the timeline for the book's  discussion or is its duration paced by the group.
Am looking forward to getting my hands on the book.
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wildflower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.