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The Remains of the Day ~ Kazuo Ishiguro ~ Mini Discussion for June 19th

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Looking for a new experience? Mark your calendar for June 19 for our first ever Mini Book Discussion!! 

 First up: The Remains of the  Day by Kazuo Ishiguro, Nobel Prize Winner for Literature, the book itself a Booker Award Winner: "Flawlessly written...brilliant and deeply moving novel....wonderful in every sense." Help us make this new experiment a reality by your input.
The book is online!  ---submitted by bellamarie

Welcome, welcome to a first for us, a fun (hopefully) new Mini series for the long hot summer, starting with The Remains of the  Day.

To go with the new title,  we're going to try a new exciting way of doing it, too, a new format,  and YOU will be the judge of how well it works. For starters we'll want to have the entire book read, just like a face to face bookclub.

Tune in Monday the 17th for news of the new format, and then on the 19th,  (Wednesday)  bring your lawn chairs, and maybe some lemonade, and join us under the trees, for our first ever Mini Book Club discussion.

Hope to see you then!

Ginny,  I'm not sure about the "long hot summer," we are so chilly today, here in Toledo, Ohio I had to put on sweats and a sweatshirt.  I look forward to the new mini discussion and format.  I've got my spot ready on my patio swing, and diet coke, since I'm not a fan of lemonade, or iced tea.  Let's do this!  See ya'll on in a few days.

I'm looking forward to this.  It's a good book, with lots to talk about.

Oh good, welcome, welcome! I am looking forward to this, too.  It's new, and different, and we can say if we like it or not and tweak it, once we've  given it a chance, and  in general just enjoy ourselves fully.  No muss, no fuss,  no bother, just discuss a book.

:) Bellamarie on the Diet Coke, I am not sure I have drunk a glass of lemonade in years, not sure why we form these ideals. Mine is much more dangerous:  Diet Pepsi, and diet drinks are now being implicated in dementia. I am trying to get off it but it's more addictive than cocaine apparently. 

And I DO drink it constantly, really the only thing I do drink, actually but now  am trying to stop with one in the morning and perhaps just a sip or two at night. And in between Evian, the only water I can enjoy the taste of, very good water, thank God, unfortunately it has plastic in it but so does Diet Pepsi so what can you say?

I think I'll go ahead and put in the new format today so everyone can be thinking about  it.

I got this great suggestion from a Library, apparently it's an ALA suggestion and I love it.

It's obviously for a face to face group but I'd like to try it anyway.

Here it is:

I as moderator  am to give out index cards at our first meeting and you are to write ONE thing on the card, a question or a thought about the book, and you are to hand it back to me (that might be an issue) and then I am to shuffle the cards and pick one and off we go.

And WE are then to address your "index card," and no other topic for that day, but we can chat amongst ourselves on what each has said ABOUT the index card.

I love this. It gives everyone a chance to not only present their own idea or question or thought but for the entire group to then address it. I love that.

But here how can we do the Index Card?

You COULD email it, but then I'd have to pick and there are bound to be hurt feelings if one's card is left for last.

Here's what I think, what do YOU think?

You now, if reading this, have your index card. So if you will write one question on it or one thought about the book, no matter what it is, and on Wednesday we'll start here's a problem...we'll start...hmmmm

What  seems logical is that I will start, and since it will be early in the morning I'll start with mine....OR you can email  me yours and I 'll do alphabetically by first (or last) names? Maybe avatars would be best?

And then on....hmmm...Thursday you to come in alphabetically and  put YOURS, we can talk aboiut the previous day until you get here, we understand we are busy and are in different time zones, and WE are to discuss only your Index card from that point on for Thursday but we can ALSO refer back to the first Index card  or somebody's thoughts but we can't raise another index card item till all index cards have been dealt with.

In other words, everybody has their day and we address their point on that day and after.

So theoretically at the end of the days numbering the people in the discussion we theoretically should be finished?

That's the mini part.

What if we aren't finished?

Then we start again?

I really really really want this kind of focus on YOUR point ("index card")  even if we're through in a couple of days, because ordinary book clubs are through in one  day. I want us not to have to sit here 24 hours each day to do it either, we're an online book club full of busy people.

Your thoughts?


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