Yes it's just fascinating coming in here, no end of great stuff: pitch, who knew? And it's useful stuff too, I feel much more informed as a result of this discussion, and in things I knew nothing about.
I love the "working together" aspect here, too. And every voice which chimes in adds something different to our soup, Book Soup. (That's the best I can do here this gray bleary morning). hahaa (How does one spell gray? I thought it had an e but spell check insists on the a?) I use Firefox and it has a spell check and sometimes I wonder what language it's checking, it makes a continual fool of me if I don't carefully reread.
This morning I got up so grateful to be reading The Odyssey, it seems most everything else pales, even tho we do know that the Iliad is "better," or whatever, I wonder what other book could hold up so long to this pieced approach. I love it.
I read Entertainment Magazine last night, full of young actors I know nothing about, but also full of new movies coming out which are pretty fantastic and derivative, each in their own way, of the Odyssey ultimately, they all seem to deal with the SuperHero, who has super powers and fantastic adventures, uh.....and set backs, and romance...uh.....nothing we lack. Also several new books seem to plunge the reader into unexplained and fantastic scenarios (uh...) with flashbacks (uh...) well you get the picture, we're reading the daddy of them all.
I think so far in all I've learned that I'm beginning to be (we're only half through) most impressed with Homer's depth. What seems just slapped down, like a new Disney Ride, (the newest one is Star Wars, you've got your hero...your problems...your fantastic adventures....uh....) is not, at all. It seems carefully constructed and I don't want to miss a trick tho I suspect I've missed several. Surely with this astute group we won't miss anything.
O. is always called "wise" but by that, Homer seems to mean what I would call "clever" -- able to think of clever tricks. IS he wise in any deeper sense?
What IS wisdom? What a question! Is it a combination of experience and the ability to apply solutions? That's what O does and he's quick with it, he doesn't have to take time (as in the Cyclop's cave) to react. But then again, it could have gone the opposite way, too. j
Here's Webster's Dictionary on the definition of wisdom:
Definition of WISDOM
a : accumulated philosophic or scientific learning : knowledge b : ability to discern inner qualities and relationships : insight c : good sense : judgment d : generally accepted belief <challenges what has become accepted wisdom among many historians — Robert Darnton>
: a wise attitude, belief, or course of action
: the teachings of the ancient wise men
I don't know about O and that b?