Welcome Alf, Sheila and Jonathan!
This is a great book about the Comanche Nation particularly its later years when it was led by a half bread Chief who carried his mother's family name, Parker. It is the story of the band of Shoshone who left their northwest mountain homeland to wander south and a bit east to the prairie where they became buffalo hunters expert horsemen, and the finest light guerrilla Calvary this word has ever known. Particularly it is the story of Quanah Parker the tragedy beginning with the 1836 massacre of much of the Parker family, the abduction of 9 year old Cynthia Ann Parker who grew up a Comanche, marrying a Comanche Warrior bearing his son Quanah who became the last great Comanche War Chief. It was he who in the end led his people into the reservation and a new life in 20th century America.
I am reading the book on my new Nook Color-Tablet. I think it will be an interesting experience reading this way, and as a tablet the instrument may be a bit better than I expected. It connected easily to the internet via the new wi fi net work that I installed myself, It is best connected to picture rich sites such as NASA, Hubble, and my Pictures From the Past family history page. These show up quite well with pictures enlarged to fill the full 7 inch screen. Also I can read the seniorlearn boards but I don’t think I will post much from it as the screen keyboard is a bit too much for my clumsy, stiff fingers to handle the texting of even moderately long posts..