On Thursday, with help for the set-up, I turned on my new Dell Inspiron 23 Al-in-one. Touchscreen, which I do like. A few ups and downs. Spent two hours with Dell support from India yestereday getting the kinks out of MS Office. They answered quickly and were hellpful. No complaints there.
Windows 8.1 -- seems to be very Microsoft dominated. My helper advised against creating a Microsoft account, but there I things I can't access without one. Like Mail from the start screen, so I go thru Chrome to get to either gmail or att mail.
Biggest hurdle right now is learning how to find things, terminology, a good manual, setting up easily accessible folders.
Why did they change so much from XP?
Larry, I'm going to try Drive.
Jane, one big bright spot -- I was afraid I might have to buy a more up-to-date Quicken, but my 2009 is working just fine. And backed up on flash drives.