Back to the drawing board. I agree; it's time to work on the next discussion. Two people have suggested Aristophanes, so I'll take a look. (Yes, I know, I said that in January.) But comedy seems appealing.
Lysistrata is out for good. It's very funny, and has lots of good discussion points, but it's WAY too raunchy for this site. It's about the most x-rated thing I've read in some years, certainly violates the rules for the site.
Plutarch: actually, we did three Romans--Pompey, Antony, and Cicero--and no Greeks. There's lots more material left. Plutarch is a lot of work, but it pays off, as we found out last time.
The Aeneid: anytime we can snag Ginny to take an active part we should do it, but I don't see that happening in the near future. It shouldn't be done without her.
The other suggestions stand just where they did, and we're always open to more ideas.
What does everyone think?