William was a sweetheart, wasn't he? Was it gassed lungs? Didn't that take a lot of them in that war? Was that he carrying.. the heir...Matthew? Was that what that scene was? Out of the battle? I did like the scenes where they talked informally before, as companions, really, William showing the most strength, I thought.
Not sure I'm understanding why they could not have William in their own house, if not in the hospital part: it's a big house, he could be somewhere, but I thought Maggie Smith was priceless with, was it "Stinky?" in arranging it. Touching wedding, I could have reached thru the tube and throttled Daisy initially, but she came thru in the end. And he got to hear it, hopefully. Loved the bed done up in roses.
The bit about both women, Daisy and Mary, feeling something during the battle might have been a little over the top.
Bates's wife sure gave in easily to Sir Richard, I thought, met her match? I don't think so. Both of them are as venal as you can get. How comes he to be "Sir?" Seems as if he, according to the wedding announcement, had humble beginnings, I did note the emphasis on "Mr." when Lord Grantham read it out.
Even today if you take Virgin Airlines you put your title down, a drop down menu, when you buy your ticket online. Quite an assortment to choose from. Have always been tempted to put one. hahahaaa