CALLIE, you mustn't just follow - post your thoughts, we want opinions, good, bad, liberal, conservative, whatever comes to mind. And.......
PEDLIN, buy the book, then give it to someone for Christmas telling them how good it was, or is that a bit miserly? I would love a present like that - from someone who likes history or politics and has told me it's a good book. Spread it around the family, you'll find they like the book.
I'm so sorry I missed the authors on Morning Joe, I never watch the program, I never have TV on except in the evenings but I have no idea what I do, time just goes. I'm slow I think.
And I hope PATH will either buy or borrow the book. Your library didn't buy enough copies, who was it said their library had 269 copies? Was it me, I'll have to check.
JEAN, I hope you get the book also. I think we all agree how burdensome the job of being presidenet of our country is and I often wonder why they work so hard to get in that Oval Office. In the book you'll read many remarks from the various presidents how they felt in their early days. Fascinating reading.