Then LBJ did the unexpected and fought for Civil Rights. Southern Democrats had apoplexy big time. They left the Democratic Party lock, stock and barrel. Under the flag suddenly named DIXIECRATS, they became REPUBLICANS. And my party, the little old party of Lincoln, suddenly had this huge flood of men who were possessed of great Power in this nation. What is more, they were Old, White, Southern BIGOTS.
And they took over my party. The Party of Abraham Lincoln and Civil Rights. They kicked the civil rights out the door, brought in fundamentalist Christians by the busload and train and planeload, and LO! By 1980, they were inserting Abortion in their platform!
And me, a raging suffragette, feminist, equal rightser all of my born days!
I bolted. And when I did, I could not understand why so few did! I said, LOOK at what they are doing! And they would say, oh, it is not important. We don't have to buy into that stuff. This is OUR party, the Party of Lincoln.
And I would say, The Hell You Say! They have taken it over like a disease.
Well, I have been voting for Democrats since 1980, but it took until 2004 for me to garner up my courage and go and change my party affiliation at the Office of Elections. I admit it was hard!
But hey, AT LEAST I knew and understood what was happening!
How quickly we forget.
And how little attention we pay to connecting the dots at the very time History IS happening!