One thing very sad, Barbara, is to think back when I was young. My story of how life flowed along is practically carbon paper identical to millions of other young Americans of the time. Born in 1929, married in 1948, the war just over and the boys who lived through it coming back in droves as men, small rental apartment to begin setting up housekeeping, graduating to a real house with a yard in 1953, bought with the GI Bill, everyone living from paycheck to paycheck and adding on babies in a stream. Bought our first cars, bought our first TVs, bought our first stereos. Felt poor, but were going to be rich after the next few payraises. Loads of friends in our own neighborhoods and elsewhere. Peace reigning from day to day and week to week. HOPE like a day full of sunshine beaming down upon us all.
There is one big question I have for those who say there is no global warming problem, no fierce and threatening climate change, no lack of safe water, no air pollution, no dying seas unable to feed us. It is this: if these things are not a problem, why are we having to spend billions on the problem? Huh? Why are people losing whole communities of homes to ever increasing numbers of wildfires, tornadoes, derechos, and floods? Why, here in Maryland, are the watermen and fishermen going broke and giving up their traditional, generational livelihoods for other ways of earning a living? When I was young, our Chesapeake Bay was a gold mine of oysters, crabs, clams, striped bass, and an almost infinite number of other goodies. Now the bay is 70% dead. That means the lack of oxygen kills off all life forms in Seventy Per Cent of our waters. If you go down to the edges of our bay, rivers, creeks and brooks, you no longer see schools of minnows darting around. No fiddler crabs. No life to marvel at. Remember minnows? The children in my part of this nation no longer have any familiarity with them! When I was still young, Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring. She was RIGHT!
And the young marrieds of today will never have it as good as we did!