Oh Joy! Oh Joy! Oh Joy! I received in this morning's mail a book that I happened on - I know not where
- but when researching for it found it at Amazon I found it for .99 + 3.99 shipping, and how could I pass that by!!!
It's titled,
Women of Ideas: & what men have done to them by Dale Spender, an Australian feminist, who has written several books about women's place in history including,
Man Made Language and Invisible Women. When my husband handed me the package and I felt the bulk of it, I wondered "did I order two books?" It's 700 pages plus, but looks like a wonderful read of women's writings over centuries about how it is to live in the "men's world" and what happened to the women's opinions, publications and thoughts.
I am reading the preface and find it very au courant (to quote Ginny). She gives a little philosophical introduction about her thinking that brought her to compile and write this book. In reading the feminist literature of the 60s and 70s about patriarchy and women living in the male world and how that impacted on us, and discussing it with other women, they began to ask "are we the first generation of women to have felt this way?" Some of them were vaguely aware that women did have a past, but it was shadowy and random.
She lists a whole paragraph of women writers who shared similar concerns from Abigail Adams to Alice Rossi (1973) and says "With the advent of these publications the question of whether women had thought and felt (isolated, invisible, ignored, demeaned, laughed at, considered to be 'sick', because they questioned the systems and posed that patriarchy was a problem) this way before was put to rest - THEY HAD! Another question arose in its place: why didn't I know, why didn't WE know?........Why were women of the present cut off from women of the past and how was this achieved? "
I felt is was a current question because as she continued to talk about what it is to be an "x" in an "o" world and how the people in control can force those without control to abide by their rules or be ostracized, I began to think about what is happening about women's issues today, about how any "x" gets treated similarly in other "o" worlds. Just exchange the words "male control" with the words "white privilege."
We have seen very clearly the attacks on Pres Obama as he dared to become the president of the U.S. Just imagine what it will be like if Hillary becomes president - at least Obama is a male, thereby having some regard by some of that half of the population - or how bad it will get for her in the election period. A huge part of her unfavorable numbers, I am sure, is that she is a woman challenging a male powerhouse. She must be untrustworthy, because she has the audacity to want to have the greatest power/control on earth! How could a mere woman have the intelligence, experience, competence to know she shouldn't share classified information?
etc. etc. It's going to be very ugly!
I am going to enjoy this book and will probably share more of it with you as I go along. It's going to take a while -
756 pages! I really wish I had the women's group that I was a part of in the early 70s where we discussed so many of the feminist writings, to talk with about this book. What fun!