I don't want to be talking to myself in this forum, but there is another thing that strikes me here, and that is that this case is not unsimilar to the much larger, much more horrendous matter of world wide importance going on in Europe: i.e., those refugees fleeing Syria and Afghanistan and Iraq, but mostly Syria, 80% they are saying, because they fear for their very lives. The extremely poor cannot flee, for the going has become a racket and money must be paid up front for the smuggling out, the buses, the trains, the boats. It is the more educated middle and upper classes that are abandoning their homes, if indeed the bombing has left their homes intact, and selling up all they can in order to take themselves and their families to a place where they might NOT be killed. It is all about life or death. And the United Nations has declared that all their nations will recognize refugee status and assist these desperate souls.
But there is huge paranoia. Huge fear. This is where I see a parallel. Some folk are afraid of same sex marriage; scared to bits of it, feeling it threatens their very existence, or the world as they know it. And on this planet of ours, many fear strangers. There is a deep primal urge to resist all incomers; to stop them, as they are a perceived threat. Man, woman and child: KILL THEM! They are not human, they are vermin, and their coming in HERE, wherever here is, will upset the balance of things for US. They will bring us religious practices foreign to us, diseases we do not have, languages we do not speak or understand. So let us designate them NOT human, and keep them from our midst. Let us turn our faces away and not think about what is happening to them. Let us do this in all good conscience in the name of keeping our lives as they are.
I have long envisioned a world in which huge armies are deployed along the borders of our very own beloved and generous hearted country, and machine guns are pointed toward any human being who appears headed in this direction, be they fleeing death from gangs, despots, and drug dealers or from climate change, droughts, and/or disease. People, in the long and short of it, leave their home bases and their native lands only in dire need to do so. When the people on the receiving end of their desperate journeys are unable to imagine accommodating them in any way, only terrible numbers being mowed down by guns, bombs or gases will be the end result. The end of humanity? One wonders.