Yes, definitely! Understanding THAT these different cultures and beliefs exist is vitally important information for every single person working in international trade, diplomacy, politics and so on. When I hear some of our own public figures displaying abysmal knowledge of these things, I cringe and grind my teeth.
I remember it was back in the very early sixties that I was studying the African continent with a fierce determination to get a picture and an understanding in my head. Particularly fascinated with Nigeria at that time, learning about that country reminded me of second year Latin in High School. We learned right from the git go Caesar's description of Gaul (mostly France in Europe) as being divided into 3 parts, and as I studied the history and currant situation in Nigeria I found myself murmuring: Omnia Nigeria tres partes divisa est!
Well, that may be poor Latin, but you get the point. I learned that Nigeria, like so many phony nations manufactured by Colonial Powers, was always at war with itself. Muslims across the north, Yoruba Southwest and Ibo Southeast. Hundreds of tribes, really, but these were the principals in each section, with the Ibo being the brains of the nation, if not of the continent itself. Some years later when this tribe rebelled and attempted to set up its own nation, I cheered them on. They lost, and were pretty much wiped out. Pity. Also a pity I realized, most of my compatriots hadn't a clue about this and could care less.
By the time 2001 rolled around, I had done an in depth study of the Middle East and Central Asia, as well. Bob was still alive then, and we had animated discussions with a number of his retired colleagues and their wives, clear up until his death in 2006. From the git go, we were absolutely screaming that we should not go into Iraq because it also was a tres partes divisa est phony nation, and it would be like attacking some hornet hives. Kurds to the north, Sunni central and Shia south pretty much describes it. Most of my personal sympathy went with the Kurds, albeit I will admit they are pretty bloodthirsty. They are also desperate to have a country to raise their children in. As for the Sunni and the Shia, in reading up on what their leadership foamed at the mouth about, I learned that Sunni children were taught that the Shia are the scum of the Earth! Worse than Christian and Jew even, they deserve to DIE and should all be KILLED! What really had us banging our heads against the walls, figuratively speaking, was that our own leadership did not appear to KNOW this! We knew the Foreign Service officers did, but where were the rest of them coming from? And the Foreign Service does not offer opinions in public or set or influence national policy. Our blood pressures rose recklessly every time we heard the evening news.
Well, folks don't learn their lessons from our History books, albeit they should have a strong in depth schooling in that discipline. Instead, our native born would be world leaders seem to hold a pattern of what WE are up as the ideal configuration for each and every other nation on this planet! And in their immense hubris, they completely fail to consider that other peoples take pride in their languages, their traditions, and their religious beliefs. They have feelings that our clueless orators never acknowledge, but instead plow up and mow down like so many talking tanks. Ai yi yi!
I am so glad I am near to leaving this explosive situation. I shudder at what I see coming and don't want to unfold.