Well, exactly. Precisely.
Men just don't get it. Have you ever in your entire LIFE heard a woman say: "I think I'd like to have an abortion?" Have you ever imagined, or could you imagine, a public hall full of women and someone asking them to raise their hands if they would like to have an abortion?
No woman WANTS to have an abortion. I don't care a fig for all the people who have said: "Oh, I know a woman who has used abortion as birth control." I do not believe it. Perhaps there are a few women, a handful of women, who have had more than one abortion. They had to, I say HAD TO, have been driven to it by extreme necessity. No woman WANTS to have an abortion.
I have never had an abortion. To my knowledge, none of my 5 daughters has ever had an abortion. To my knowledge, 2 of my 13 granddaughters has had an abortion. I have no idea, in short, whether or not any of my daughters ever had, for they have never told me they have. They have said that they have not, and I believe them. I also tend to believe that the 2, one to each, of my granddaughters who have had an abortion, and only the one each, are the only abortions among my 13 granddaughters. The one is now the mother of 3 living children and the other of 1 living child. They had extremely compelling reasons for requiring those abortions, and it most definitely did not include WANTING to have an abortion or not wanting to be a mother.
No, the men are wrong. Women come complete with the desire, for most, to have children. Most women. Most of the time. But whether a woman has the desire to be a mother or not, she does not, she never ever does, DESIRE AN ABORTION! It is anti-nature.
But abortions have been had for thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years, and will continue as long as our species exists. Historians have read and written about and scientists have confirmed that there was once upon this planet a natural abortionificant plant that grew. They know that it especially grew profusely around the Mediterranian, with huge amounts reported growing wild in North Africa. It was a "weed". It was all used up. People never thought to plant and grow it. They thought it would always be there. But demand outraced supply, and it has disappeared. Gone extinct.
Our personal and private lives belong to each of us.
Decisions about our bodies are ours to make.
And the same damn men who want to RULE that all of these babies be born are the ones who vote against feeding them once they are here!