I believe this nation is a melting pot, and the more the blending, the more it is so. It does not disturb me that we will have a majority of non-white; not one speck. A human being is a human being is a human being.
That being said, and truly meant right from my heart AND my reasoning centers, I have always marveled at the fact that our constitution FIRST found black slaves, male & female alike, to be less than a person when counting heads to name the number of the population. Less than a full person. Get that. They were counted as three-fifths of a person! Read it and see for yourselves!
THEN, when the slaves were freed, all black men could vote. They suddenly became fully people, as was only right, but white women, who just hours before and from the beginning of our nation had been considered SUPERIOR to blacks, including black men, were suddenly LESS THAN black men in the matter of voting but more than black men in the matter of courtesy and personal prejudice. In short, a black man better not even GLANCE at a white woman, or he could be and frequently WOULD be lynched. But he could vote. Oh, he was hugely discouraged by all manner of threats against his life, his well-being, his employment, and his family, from daring register to vote. But the irony is that our constitution now permitted him full citizenship including the right to vote, and it was still denied to white women. To all women, of course, black and white, but you get, by now, the point I am trying to make.
Men do not seem to have a speck of trouble adjusting facts to fit their peculiar logic, rather than actually BE logical and closely examine the facts!