It's interesting, when I was working and talking about the Affordable Care Act and its benefits, including the eventual closing of the Part D "donut hole," people were receptive - change the name to "ObamaCare" and people were less receptive. I don't believe that most of the people in the country were against the law - people understand that the ability to refuse insurance to an individual because of pre-existing conditions, for example, is unfair. There are no such things as "death panels," people will not go to jail if they don't buy health insurance, ...there are a lot of misconceptions. One thing I cannot believe is that this law, which will help more people have access to health care, will destroy this country, yet there are Congress people who act like the world will come to an end on October 1.
In our kind of government, "the common good" must take into consideration people and their lives, which is why the slave reference is not a good example, unless a whole race of people were not considered worthy of "the common good." Yes, some laws are ignored - That law was eventually changed. As far as the ACA, it is the law, in spite of many (expensive) attempts to get rid of it, and even an election that did not get rid of it.
My taxes go to a whole lot of things that individual people could not, on their own, support. By collecting taxes and using them, the government can make these things available to all. Granted, I would rather war were not one of those things, but even so, our nation's security is something to support.