Chapter Eight - THE ART OF MANIPULATION - recounts all the "dirty tricks" used by different organizations (particularly the BSC) to influence Americans - push them into war. With the knowledge of FDR and J. Edgar Hoover, propaganda was planted in newspapaers. The coluumnists who helped, who believed in the cause are such familiar names - Drew Pearson, Walter Lippmann, Walter Winchell, Dorothy Thompson. (p.120)
This opened my eyes: "Although the opening of others' mail was illegal under U.S. law, the FBI, following British instructions in the technique, ,,,,,,,,examined correspondence .........the policy of opening mail for supposed national security purposes continued until 1966...... (pg. 119)
Now that is OUTRAGEOUS!!!
Dirty tricks have been around a long, long time and continues I'm sure. By governments, by individuals and the like.
Do you think there are dirty tricks on the Internet? Have you uncovered any? Rumors, gossip about national affairs, government officials? Are Americans aware of dirty tricks in the past and attempt to look at news warily? LOok at both sides of an issue?