Jean, you have every right to be "
crumpy" and I will tell you I am a bit grumpy, after reading these two chapters. BUT Alas! I was excited to see my curiosity satisfied in this chapter.....regardless of:
"The response from the instructor was clear: Curiosity for curiosity's sake was not appreciated. Or this:
" What you do here, What you see here, What you hear here, please let is stay here."Here comes the media, snopes, spies, and loose tongues.....
pg. 65
A woman thoughtlessly wrote her family describing the size and number of facilities in her new town...Someone kept a diary...A man told a friend about the type of machinery he saw in his plant...
pg. 71
Spring was in the air, Townsite was growing by leaps and bounds__
"McCrory's 5, 10, & 25 Cent Store Now Open in Jackson Square next to the Ridge Theatre!"__and The Oak Ridge Journal paused to ask residents, "Does Your Tongue Wag?"
...Specialists in Axis espionage and sabotage activities are standing before their leader...they are about to embark on a vital mission for Naziland...and here are typical instructions to enemy agents...
We have reports that somewhere in the American state of Tennessee there is a new war project about which you MUST get DETAILED information...
Talk and listen: Get public opinion and current speculations about the work being done...
The natives and workers will aid you__they will talk, talk, talk. Listen. Some will tell you because they are unsuspecting, have faith in everyone they meet, others are plainly ignorant that they are giving information...
Search discarded plans and trash. Listen to every possible conversation___these Americans talk constantly about their work...psychological sabotage is your weapon of which our Dr. Goebbels is the master. When you hear a rumor spread it to every ear that will listen...bad food, mud, sickness, poor pay, strikes, waste, discrimination, race prejudice, and persecution___make the place sound so dirty and miserable, so poorly managed and inefficient that no decent person would want to remain there...
Make the hate the state of Tennessee until they leave in droves...
Let the looseness of their tongues and the softness of their brains do your work for you. Bring me the report that this project in Tennessee will be entirely useless to America. Heil Hitler!
In comes two men recruiting Helen Hall to be their eyes and ears....their spy!
Reading this confirmed that no matter how hard we try to keep things classified, confidential, or secret, there is always going to be someway, someone, somehow that it will get leaked.
We also learn in this chapter that complaints were filed for various reasons, and the people were not fired for filing. Yet, many did leave due to the conditions, food, prejudice, etc., e.g., the turnover of employees, and the complaints fell on deaf ears.
Your post reminded me of several inconsistencies I'm finding, for example, the use of the term "TUBEALLOY" is sometimes one word, sometimes 'tube alloy" Which is it? I keep waiting for an explanation, but fear that there will be none.
I do remember hearing in Denise K.'s interview she addressed deciding to combine the two words and make it one, it was easier for her, and since it really made no difference whether it be tube alloy, or tubealloy, she went with the one word.
Jean, Good catch on the inconsistency of the visiting.
Did everyone actually read and comprehend all the tubealloy breakdown, fission, etc., in these two chapters. Now that made me grumpy. I came away scratching my head.
Talk about combustion, I thought my head would burst!!!!
Ciao for now~