Yes, it's a different focus, this one, and it's old, too, I think it was in 2015 and 2016, but I like it because of the results. This one is not a contest like the other, but it's so interesting to me how he can create (using a lot of volunteer labor) so much in one day. It gives me hope for what I've taken the entire summer (with two bad knees as a result) to try to do. One day. And you've got a framework for the future.
I like him in this series. He grows on you. He's very kind. More than once a tear appears, they are helping people in most of the projects. I don't like all his designs, too bold, perhaps, for me, but some of them are fabulous, there's usually some plant knowledge you can use in your own efforts. I really like the...helpful vibe.... and the people volunteering... At the end the person the work is being done for comes out for the big reveal, and normally she or he will stand with the person who arranged the surprise...while he or she delights in the result.
On the last show, however, the husband enjoyed so much being part of the process that he stood with the workers in their line's just a good hearted show.
He's got a later one and I don't like it as well, though.
And I've learned a lot, too. But one thing I have learned is exactly what you've said about the difference in Magnolia and Austin: you really have to know your location! It's amazing the difference that makes.
I mean HERE we have things that I didn't growing up in PA and NJ. We have annuals which act like perennials. Despite how cold it can get in the winter.
We have snapdragons coming back as giant bushes, despite the terrific heat. We have dahlias which don't have to be lifted, multiplying all over the place. We have vinca, an annual, coming back, and they all are coming BACK in that raised brick bed because of the heat off the terrace. It's amazing. Water I believe, has made the difference. Not one of those things did we have in old PA or NJ.
OH and...
You will be happy to hear they are making a new show WITH the two brothers, (the smaller one IS the eldest) and, if I'm not totally mistaken, the "woman with the hair," (too lazy to look up her name), and hopefully we will get to see them sometime here in the US. (I also picked up that she annoyed the older brother). hahaha She has had several shows before and since.
I kind of like the Dabl shows about finding a house, and the very end where they say whether or not the people actually bought the house or not. Vicarious fun...traipsing through homes in the UK, boy are they expensive and boy are they something else.