Babi, I have negative sensiblities about THE PIANO, as well. The filming was magnificent, the acting superb; but the story left me quite depressed. I do not enjoy depressed. Ergo, I have skipped Campion's further movies. If anyone can assure me one or more of them will lift my heart, I will change my mind.
Pedln, I am SO impressed by your canoe adventure in the mountains. My favorite mountains. I am too old for that sort of thing now, but would have loved it at one time. So, have to admit, I am not only impressed, but terribly envious. Good On You!
Marcie, I am glad to hear you liked that Jane Eyre. I had skipped it as making up just a rather overwhelming number of versions I have viewed, but with your input, I will catch it soon. I can get it as one of the FREE movies on my On Demand from Comcast!