Last year my "heating boys" (as I call them) came to light my central heat pilot, but had to install a new gas valve (the system is as old as the house 1961). Thinking that it was the same as the old one, I embarked upon trying to light it early this week when the cold spell came in, but it was dissimilar to the older one. My hubby looked at it and decided he didn't know what the secret was either. I left a call for them on Monday evening, and they came Tuesday. They were having a very busy day!! They carefully showed me what to push and where to turn the arrow and in what order, and I wrote it all down, and saved it in my computer also, so should be set for next year. I don't like to mess with things that have natural gas for obvious reasons! Wouldn't want an electric heating sytem, if there is such a thing, due to costs to run.