I think I have a sample of "The husband's Secret" on kindle. I'll erase it -- thanks guys.
Started to read "Hostile Witness" by Rebecca Forster because it takes place near where I live. A lot of the scenes are on Redondo Beach, where I go every week. It's an interesting setting: the courthouse where the lawyer protagonist argues her murder case is right over this beach resort setting so she argues life and death, then goes downstairs to the fishing boats, bars, tourist attractions, and beachgoing families, and walks along the strand with the bikers, joggers, skateboarders, bikinis and muscleshirts etc. I had noticed the discrete signs "this elevator to the courthouse", but never really thought about the contrast.
The only problem is that sometimes the author gets a detail wrong in a way that wouldn't happen if someone was there.
When my son pushes my wheelchair along this strand, we have a problem. There are two paths, one for walkers and one for wheeled vehicles. We're too slow for the wheeled vehicle path, and the walking path has places that are too narrow or unsuitable for a wheelchair. Dan keeps going from one to the other. Minor problem, but I like to tease my mind thinking "are we walkers or a wheeled vehicle?"