Since we know in advance what the books are, I can always opt out if it's not to my taste. I'm definitely going to do that with the August fantasy selection--Cavern of Black Ice by J. V. Jones. The website Fantastic Fiction says: "What lifts this far above routine quest fantasy is Jones' deft characterisation, relentless intensity and unsparing depiction of pain and slow-healing injury. She has a flair for memorably horrid images." They then quote an image I won't repeat here, in case anyone has just eaten, is eating, or hopes to eat in the next few hours.
So much for J. V. Jones. The sci-fi selection is Excession by Iain M. Banks, in memoriam of his recent demise. I've never read him, but welcome this chance to try him. If I get through the book, I'll go, if I don't like it, I won't.
The discussions are back-to back: fantasy at 6:30, sci-fi at 7:30, and many people come for one but not both. Mostly, there is a small crowd for fantasy, and more come in for sci-fi but the fantasy people stay. I was timid about joining this group, but feel very comfortable in it. I'm the oldest by 10 or 20 years, but feel totally accepted. There are young professionals of both sexes, more women than men, all of them very knowledgeable, people in their 40s or 50s, and a few 50+ like me.
I like being pushed to try things I otherwise wouldn't have gotten around to. Sometimes they are a bust, sometimes a good find. And I get a lot of back and forth conversation, something that's hard to find on this subject except here.