Hi Ginny
Yes, I did finish the Open University writing course last summer. I managed to get a Distinction, but I decided not to take the next course, as the tutor was so awful and also the subjects were not so interesting to me (eg 'writing for radio', 'writing theatre scripts.')
I'm glad you liked the look of Farmer Duck - we still have it somewhere I think, I couldn't bear to give away most of the books my children had enjoyed. (And indeed I snap up copies of books I loved in my own childhood if I see them in charity shops or sales - 'The Family From One End Street', 'What Katy Did At School', 'Milly-Molly-Mandy', 'My Naughty Little Sister & Bad Harry' - I love them still.)
What I said about North Berwick is entirely true - I have offered to help with things from time to time, only to realise that there is actually a waiting list/pecking order to be negotiated before one can be admitted to the hallowed ranks of Volunteer.
I think Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands is a very sensible woman, who probably wants a bit more time to enjoy life before she's too old to do so. I read in the paper that royal duties are considered much more of a 'job' over there, whereas here the royals are still seen almost as gods, even when they fall far short of divinity. There is also a view widely held here that HRH won't stand down because she doesn't think Charles is up to it - but I would have thought he'd be a lot better now he's got Camilla keeping him in check.
At least the Queen is still capable - the Pope, I think, has done a very sensible thing if his health is failing, and I can't really see what everyone's making so much fuss about. I do wish they'd appoint someone a bit younger and fitter, but as I am not a Catholic it's not really something for me to have views on. The behaviour of many people in the Anglican church over current issues is causing both me and my daughter to have many doubts, not about our faith but about our church attendance. I have told Anna that it's good constantly to question things like this, but we are neither of us sure where things are leading us. I am thinking of attending the Quaker meeting in Edinburgh to see what it is like, although that won't be until after Anna's choral scholarship at our current church ends in June. There are many very interesting and thoughtful Quakers on Twitter, and so far I like what I see of their approach.